Do You Make Love the Prerequisite for Getting What You Want?

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Do You Make Love the Prerequisite for Getting What You Want? In this video I'm going to explain to you why some people make love the prerequisite for getting what they want

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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This is so liberating. I've recently come through my Saturn return and lost everyone in my life because I realized how inauthentic I was being to get love. People don't "like" me much anymore, but I adore myself and the direction of my life. My friendships are more genuine, the love in my life is real, I'm more successful because I'm not longer lying to myself about who I am, and my path actually feels good - but no, I am not popular.


Former people pleaser's silly, now that I am just myself, my unapologetic self, and do so with empathy, dignity and respect, I have everything I want AND need. Also, Law of Attraction and all that. Thanks Ms. Teal for your time and for using your voice!


Teal, you have taught me more than any teacher I’ve ever met and you continue to do so. Thank you.


I remember myself as a kid who always gave no damn whether I was approved by adults or loved or perceived as good. I just wanted to be true to myself and my needs. I never conformed. I never obeyed any authority figures who gave nonsensical rules. I was very independent and free thinking since I was a small child. I was a rebel ever since I started speaking. I learned to go after my needs in MANY ways, not just through my caregivers or parents, I was versatile. I learned to be independent as much as I could and to depend mainly on MYSELF and my mental capacities. So I always managed to get many of my needs satisfied, not all, but many considering I never submitted. Now, as an adult I am still the same.


I love it when she says... "Let me give you an example" 😊 The examples just solidify the learning, help me to understand, thank you for giving examples Teal! 🙏💜


Some people’s pain from how they were treated as children puts them in a perpetual state of victim mindset. They are in so much pain themselves that without realising they become the perpetrators of that pain onto others.


If only we realize how we set ourselves up for abuse by wanting to be liked by people who will probably have to pretend they do. We are only liked to the extend that we are useful to somebody else in this situation, and limited to the extend we like ourselves.

Childhood perceptions of abandonement and not being loved unconditionally sets us all up for this dire lifestyle


This woman is so beyond most in her wisdom and knowing. Those who criticize only do so because they are not ready to move "up".
Much appreciate her putting herself out there to make sense of the world.


”We adopt the subconscious belief very early on in our lives that being approved of, liked and loved by others is the pre-requisite for getting what we need and want”. Teal Swan. Thank you Teal 🌎


Not being liked has been the only guidance that I'm doing something right. This world needs healing and people don't like that confrontation.


Be careful what you wish for. Too often we only want something (or someone) _because_ we don’t have it (her/him).


I have no real need to be loved. I do, however, have a need to be able to participate in society and feel safe while doing so. And i always believed that to do this I have to be a "good person", say the "right things", "conform", "not question authority", "make people happy even if it means giving up aspects of yourself", etc. These things kept me safe, but at some point I realised I can't sacrifice aspects of myself just to people please. Easier said than done. Every time I try to be authentic, I feel terrified. Scared that my behaviour might lead to ostracization when I worked so hard to feel like I belong. Not to mention that I feel shame. I feel emasculated.
I've learnt that it often takes courage to walk the path of authenticity. Its by no means easy, but there comes a time when you're just fed up with self sacrifice. You begin losing respect for yourself at the price of "social acceptance". I've learnt that I'd rather have self-esteem and self-respect by being boldly authentic than give myself up to make my "loved ones" happy. Those who truly love me wouldn't mind and those who mind don't love me.


I have been listening to and following this amazing woman and her wisdom since she had less than 10k subscribers. And I enjoy it every time as much as I have always had.
Magically I had a beautiful dream about a girl with a face similar to her, way before Youtube. Back then I was a strongly intuitive, spiritual teenager with mystical experiences.


Asperger's is an outdated diagnosis but I kinda understand why in certain contexts like this saying "autism" would stop people from actually getting the point.
I'm autistic and I can relate to Jake's story SO MUCH it hurts. The whole video is so good it hurts. thank you teal


Your hair is sooo beautiful! So shiny!


I approve of, like and love myself…. Yes, I’ve always had to…….my parents taught me what love “wasn’t “…. Which ironically led me to love at an early age, my troubles are finding it within others. 🙏🏻

Confidence: From Latin “Confidere” (have full trust)


I have no choice but to do things to be liked cause I’m dependent on other people right now. If they don’t like me they can make my life harder. It’s easier for people with more independent personalities to not care about what anyone thinks, but when you have to rely on others you have to care. Sometimes you even find yourself being a bit humiliated because your needs aren’t being met. I pray that things change for me soon though. I desire to go straight for what I want .


I am blessed to have found this video. Thanks Teal.


You are a ROCKSTAR! We love you Teal! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


When i think about it for me being liked, approved of and loved is so that i can feel safe.
