Build Design Systems with Web Components (with m4dz) | Some Antics

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Design systems are a powerful tool to ensure consistent functionality and branding across our experience, and the web platform is only getting better at letting us express our design systems in a reusable way. Join us on Some Antics as m4dz shows us how to build a design system of our own using web components!

#WebComponents #DesignSystems #WebDevelopment


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00:00:00 Meet m4dz!
00:03:45 What does a design system mean to m4dz?
00:09:53 Why web components for design systems?
00:16:41 Building the button web component
00:27:43 Creating the button story
00:32:56 Adding style tokens
00:44:10 Customizing components with custom properties or parts
00:48:20 The disabled button variant
00:58:46 Wrapping up
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