Fujifilm XT5 Vs Nikon ZF.

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I Spent 30 Days with Fuji XT5 and Nikon ZF Here's What I Think!

(all models are tagged on my IG photos)


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Haters gonna hate 😅 but please just be respectful and smart.


As a diehard Fujifilm user (16+ bodies and counting), The minute the ZF was announced it was an instant pre-order for me. Been using it for over a year now and I'm still in love with it.


I sold all my Fuji gear when the ZF released. After almost a year and taking it to a few trips. The only issue that I have it’s the weight but it is a full frame camera so it was expected. It’s a beast of a camera for enthusiasts


Grabbed a ZF and I’m selling all my Fuji kit now. Sensor produces beautiful files and its low light is amazing. AF isn’t even close with the Fujis either


Interesting, I just brought an XT5, but i was almost going to get the ZF, i had them both in my hand at a camera store. ZF was on special at the same price as XT5, both with kits.

I went fuji in the end for the exact opposite opinion which you gave as a negative:
The Fuji lenses are smaller, lighter AND cheaper!
Its true that Nikon has comparable prices for some lenses when you factor sensor/aperture equivalence but, outside of the lenses designed for ZF and the other lower range ones, they are bigger bulkier and more expensive than the Fuji counter part (telephoto zooms a point in case) and if we are throwing in Sigmas with adaptors for ZF affordability then we must also acknowledge the new range of Viltrox which are cheap and very good. Not to mention Sigmas native to Fuji.

Having said all that, i still wonder if i made the right choice as i loved the ZF, and no one is brushing aside the auto focus issue on Fujis, heres hoping its finally resolved in next firmware.

I should note my perspective is from travel and street photography perspective but also telephoto for some wildlife (travel AND wildlife for full frame means big heavy lenses)

Anyway, great video, thanks for your thoughts


People switch camera brands, just to realize it’s not the camera it’s the photographer who’s making all the magic. Get yourself a used full frame camera and start creating! Work on your skills and not megapixels 😊


I would disagree completely about the 1.4 lenses. You mentioned the 16 1.4, that's one of the oldest Fuji lenses. It's considered an original lineup lens. The new lenses are the 18 1.4, 23 1.4, 33 1.4, 56 1.2, and these are all a series of modern lenses that look and function almost identically. So if you're looking for a fast prime you can confidently buy any of the new 1.4 lenses and know they look and act the same. Just my thoughts. the nikon looks like a nice setup though too ..


One has to understand that comparing optical quality of lenses of a similar focal length on a high MP sensor (speaking of XF) that there is a decade of difference in their release and what they were optically compatible with at the time. The old 16mm f1.4 was made for 16 and 24MP sensors a decade ago where the 18mm f1.4 was made to accommodate a 26+ MP resolution.
Having said that, I have moved back to Nikon from eleven years with Fuji based on my experiences with photography for 45 years and what each tool gives me. I am keeping a couple X-Trans III cameras and older lenses for that variety only Fuji can give me. The newer bodies are just like any other camera these days and I believe sensor features have hit a plateau practically speaking and ANY camera can pretty much give you the same results generally. Unless you are a Pro with specific needs it becomes a waist of money buying the newest and spec sheet greatest expensive camera.


II’ve got a Sony, Nikon and Fuji system too and agree with your summary of the two cameras.

Sounds like little reason to keep the Fuji? What convinced you to move to the system from Sony in the first place?

I scaled my Fuji system right back to the xt30ii and 35mm f1.4. I only keep it for the size and apparently unique rendering, which is good if I just want to shoot jpeg. However the a7cr with the Sigma I series primes is just as small.


I think how a camera feels in the hand partly has to do with what you think it is made of. That's because the Fuji parts he said are made of plastic are actually magnesium alloy just like the Nikon. I don't care about Fuji, but I guess he didn't know the X-Tx cameras are fully weather sealed metal bodies.


Ok where to start... The ZF is great camera, but why do you compare a FF with an APSC, why not the Nikon ZFC ? Right because Fuji has the best APSC sensors on the market. Of course it's not better than a FF ( just like the old Fuji GFX 50R image beat the crap out of the ZF ) I agree while Fuji film sims are great, you can get also great color from the Nikon raw ( but no, not with their limited profile tool, film sims are dynamic not linear, its not just a filter ) Btw in EU the ZF is much more expensive (2500€ at launch, 2200€ now vs 1700€ XT5, 1000€ ZFC )
On build construction, the XT5 is full magnesium alloy !! no plastic !! but it's true that the new cheap paint formula they just introduced is absolutely afwul ! ( it's the primer layer you see beneath, an acrylic polymer > kind of plastic ) Did you have in hand a XT2 or even better a XH1 ( my favorite ) in hand ? Beefy tank just like the ZF. All GFX are top notch quality also. Even cheap XE3 felt good quality with solid thick top metal plate and superbe hard clicky dial wheels. Since the XT3 the quality is going downhill, worse XT5 is no longer the flagship (but the cow money $$), the build is just too cheap for that expensive price.( didn't buy it because of that, XH2 is a much better deal) Since the new CEO early 2021, they really cut the corners and play on scarcity but reap the fruits and make tons of money. I' don't like that new politic. Hope the X pro 4 will have a premium build at least...
Now the lenses where you are really not fair. There's the old first gen f/1.4 and the last gen f/1.4, all manufacturers have lens rotation. The XF33 f/1.4 is more expensive than the Nikkor 50 1.4 because of the metallic build, the classic aperture ring and the linear motor ( vs cheaper STM ) and greater glass, it is waaay sharper ! actually more like the Nikkor 50 1.8 S that is also more expensive than the Nikkor 50 1.4 really an average lens at best ( strange new marketing from Nikon ) Then you introduce adaptators and Sigma lens VS OEM Fuji lens ! ( also those price... ) WTF ?? there are also third party lens on X mount, a lot !! Your comparison is not fair and misleading. Why so much Fuji hate ? I guess it's for the buzz...
Zf is great, just wish it had at least 45mp, a true double SD, a joystick and tilt screen. May still buy one, but i'm more on the GFX right now, once you tasted the MF greatness it's hard to come back 😍( adapted Sigma 85 f/1.4 becomes a 67 f/1.1, affordable, super sharp and covers the whole sensor, works with plenty other lens )
NB: btw the there's a Fuji X to Nikon Z adaptator also, and it doesn't force the DX mode you can stay in FX and enjoy a 1.3X crop with lens profile corrections, on 5/4 ratio 1.2X crop you can still get near 20mpx, nice ! (depends on the X lens of course )


Just sold all my Fuji gear last week and I’m holding a ZF now. No regrets at all!


I’m struggling between a7c ii and Nikon zf for both video and photo! Do you have any recommendations? Thanks for det great video!


Great video, although I think 9:25 was a bit dishonnest, sigma and other 3rd parties have options in Fuji's lineup at half those prices, so there is no way the comparable system is going to be cheaper.

Anyhow, would you still go for the Nikon ZF over an R6iii which have similar sensors?


With what camera did you film this video ? It’s beautiful man love your videos b


One hold of the Nikon ZF and I knew i wasnt going to ditch my X-T5. It felt like a brick. The full frame benefit is minimal, mostly unnoticable and even so youd pay the cost in size of lenses/body. Fuji have a vast variety of native glass which wont break the bank and they perform exceptionally. If the Nikon AF is your priority youre most likely shooting wildlife or sport so you'd be getting a proper full frame camera with much better ergonomics to support your Zoom lenses, not the ZF.


Excellent comparison. I enjoyed the video. My only question is why do you still have the Fuji? you find the Nikon superior in almost every category so what is the use case for the x t5? Keep up the good work!


Been thinking about upgrading from xt4 to zf, but the lenses are holding me back. The Nikon 35 1.4 got bad reviews, also the 50 1.4 is cheaper then their own 501.8s, so how good can it be? The fuji 33 1.4 is a amazing and sharp lens in my opinion. Your suggestion is to get the Sigma 50 f2 lens, which is the same size and field of view and depht of field as the fuji considering the crop factor. but then whats the point in using the bigger zf with the bigger sensor?


What about printing at larger sizes? How does the 26mp FF compare to the 40mp APSC?


the top and bottom plates on the X-T5 or magnesium.
