DRY Next.js with Custom App & Custom Document ♻️

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We've created a rudimentary Custom App already in a previous episode, to bring in our Tailwind styles, and we'll be greatly extending it today.

More exciting still, we'll create a Custom Document and get rid of that lint warning we got last episode, regarding where we've injected our Google Font!

Highlighted software:

🎶 I've remixed "Late Nights" and "Descending" by Daxten for the background music 🎶

No affiliations whatsoever: if I show something, you know you're hearing my unfiltered thoughts 😄

0:00 - Let's add a "Contact" page!
1:41 - Custom App for sharing body JSX
2:59 - Working with a Layout Component
4:09 - Custom Document for sharing meta, link & script tags
5:46 - Allowing for dynamic page titles and descriptions
7:51 - Next up…
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