Andrew gets mad when Lexi said she would get back together with Ben 🤗 #benazelart #lexirivera #bexi

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Andrew gets mad when Lexi said she would get back together with Ben 🤗 #benazelart #lexirivera #bexi...
Ben gets mad when Lexi flirts with Andrew #fyp #shorts
Andrew picks a girl and lexi cryed because Andrew didnt pick her
“awh im sorry. lexi I’m sorry☹️” has a CHOKEHOLD on me omlll || #lexirivera #andrewdavila #landrew...
Andrew got jealous when they said lexi🥰 #landrew #landrewedits #shorts
lexi wants ben back (andrew is sad!) 😱💔
Lexi & Andrew About to Kiss! #shorts
Andrew Taking Care of Crush Lexi When Sick
Amp World (Brent Rivera, Lexi Rivera, Ben Azelart) Vs The Churco Family (Real Names And Ages) 2025
lexi and andrew bullying alex 😭
Wait r those Andrew’s pants on Lexi😭 #ampworldofficial #andrewdavila #lexirivera #landrew
Brent Rivera and Ben Azelart protecting Lexi Rivera from Andrew Davila #Love #Peace #Landrew
ben cries bcz lexi won't get back with him 😭💔
Lexi & Andrew 😍🥺😫🥰
Andrew want to kiss Lexi❤️😱 #landrew
Brent caught Andrew Davila and Lexi Rivera doing this #landrew #love #peace
Lexi Rivera destroyed Andrew Davila's hairstyle 😂 #Landrew #Love #Peace
Lexi give Andrew a compliment and Ben got mad 💔🤓 #shorts #ampworld #bexi #landrew
Andrew and Lexi ❤️LANDREW❤️#lexirivera #andrewdavila #ampworld #fyp #shorts #meghantrainor
Lexi Rivera and Andrew Davila making out in front of camera 😱😘
Lexi got hurt 😢 Andrew you good bro #landrew#andrewdavila#lexirivera #ampworld #shorts #love #viral...
the way andrew cares for lexi🤍 #landrew
andrew was scared lexi might get hurt #shorts #landrew #landrewedits #landrewforever #couple
REAL PROOF THAT LEXI IS IN LOVE WITH ANDREW #landrewedits #ampworld #shorts