PhillyETE 2014 #48-Patterns for Service Security in Public/Private Cloud Deployment- Gulrukh Ahanger

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Cloud computing is not a new paradigm and has been utilized by organization for a long time as private cloud computing. Outsourcing cloud computing has rapidly become more desirable due to higher availability and flexibility of compute resource that is cost effective. Organization are adopting hybrid model for running services, that is, utilizing private and public clouds for their work load. However, hybrid cloud adoption requires to rethink the deployment model; organizations split their data and applications between public and private cloud in unique ways and must solve multiple challenges. How do organization provide security between the realm of greater oversight and control in private cloud and the unknowns in the public cloud? Do the patterns for securing a service in a hybrid cloud deployment look different than used in traditional private cloud? This presentation will cover some of the challenges and patterns to make hybrid cloud secure and redundant.
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