This is the key to safer streets

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Changes are happening by using this set of tools to create safer streets.

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Thank you to the following for providing photos and video clips for this video:
Devou Good Foundation
Vortex Roundabouts
Speed Bump Olympics

Cincinnati Traffic Calming Project:
More info on Sarasota Road Diet:
Plastic Mini Roundabout Info:
Plastic Roundabout Location:
Benefits of landscaping on streets:
General traffic calming information:
Road diet information:
Pedestrian crash data:
Crash Costs:

0:00 Plastic Roundabout
2:00 Perception and Speed
3:30 Traffic Calming Tools
7:11 Stroads
8:12 Road Diets
9:27 Brilliant
10:38 Cincinnati Road Diet
14:31 Changing Your Own Streets
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It's ridiculous how there are politicans who say that this is a war on motorists


As a European, it is very strange to see that such basic traffic regulation tools are not widespread. But I have tried to be a pedestrian in the US. Remember one place, on very civilized Cape Cod. The place looked like two, quiet villages connected with leafy back streets. But walking 20 minutes or so from our accommodation down to a sea food restaurant by the canal was one of the most scary things I’ve ever done. No pavements, no zebra crossings, nothing. And the drivers were not even looking for pedestrians. Because there were none. The next day, I needed to buy some bread for breakfast. On the other side of the street, some 250 m away, there was a small shopping mall. Based on what I learned the last night, I took the car. Because walking was just too dangerous.


I am a traffic engineer with my local municipality, focused on traffic calming and vulnerable roadway user connectivity and safety. This is the most concise yet well-articulated video I’ve seen and captures a wide variety of traffic calming solutions. I’m definitely saving this and sharing it with my colleagues and family alike. It will be tremendously useful as I communicate with the general public for its ease of understanding. I look forward to watching a lot more of your content. Thanks for making my job easier!!


1:28 seeing those massive cars driving over that tiny roundabout is the single funniest thing I've seen today.


I love the overhead graphics laid over satellite imaging. Really neat editing tool. Great video.


For me, Dutchie, this kind of road design is just as normal as can be. I'm grateful for that. And it is great to see these design principles being applied in the USofA. Keep up the good work!


The idea of using plastic to make road adjustments quickly and cheaply is really neat.


I wish those changes happened nation-wide, not just in some rich suburban neighborhoods.


I live like 2 minutes away from the cicinnati road diet featured in this video. The road diet isn't even that long(only covering about a 1-3 miles) but it is in an area that sees more pedestrian traffic than other areas nearby because of it's proximity to a school, a library, and a lot of shops/resturants in walking distance. That road was super dangerous cause it cut right through that! It feels a lot safer now(and that's shown in the data too!) and I love it. Unfoutunatly though a lot of drivers hate it and are very vocal about it(my mom included). So much so that there is a chance that those changes will be reverted just based on the vocal opposition alone, but the safety data isn't on their side and with all the work that went into getting it approved I doubt those involved will just stand by and allow that effort go to waste. A big part of that opposition I feel comes from people who drove on that road being used to going down it at such high speeds and also having a second lane to pass people, which is exactly why the road was so dangerous.


89mph on a simple 4-lane road? How is that possible? I also wonder why those 4-lane roads are so common as ring roads around malls, which have a lot of traffic.


I love roundabouts because they make so much sense - cheap to implement, cheap to maintain, and 100% reliable (no power or timing devices required)


I should send this to my city council. There's a 4 lane stroad that we've been trying to slim down for 3+ years. Quick build is the way.


US engineers discover solution used en masse in Europe for decades


With current laws in Austria, if you were to be caught driving 143 km/h in a 50km/h area, you'd lose both your license and your car!


My city implemented a few "permanent" curb extensions. People were so unhappy the city removed them. I have to say that they were not great for cyclists but most people who complained were motorists.

Also I really like the term "road diet". Where I live, I have no idea when the roads will go on a diet because we are still in the "road bloat" phase.


I can't believe how high your production quality is. Keep up the good work and beautiful visuals


As someone from the UK, seeing the shock about a minirounabout is kinda crazy to me. They're everywhere here. True, not made of plastic but still strange that this roundabouts are such a foriegn concept to the USA.


Always shocking to see american roads that are lined with small businesses and homes yet have 2 or 3 lanes in each direction and a damn hard shoulder to boot.


As someone who lives next to a busy 4-lane stroad, this is very encouraging to me. Too many times I've noticed people driving by over 60mph, some people even go upwards to 80mph. I am enraged by this, the speed limit is only 45, but even that is too high.
I've been wanting to get into a city planning career so I can help make some positive changes in my community.
