Dowsing Q&A including 'blind dowsing': what is it?

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Dowsing Q&A including 'blind dowsing': what is it?

Dowsing related questions and answers: Livestream Q&A regular slot Mondays at 3.30pm BST.

Links to some of the videos mentioned in this livestream
Guessing and dowsing:

“Spirit of the Serpent” with Hamish Miller finding the power centre of ancient sacred sites:

Finding the positive earth energy power centre in your own home:

Psychic protection:

Meeting the guardian energy personality in our old house:

Questions covered this week:

Q: Is it OK to heal public land etc without an individual’s consent?
Yes. All this work is done in alignment with Divine will, so if its not “allowed” then nothing will happen.

Q Is remote healing as effective as hammering in metal rods etc into the ground?
A: It’s a question of what method suits which client. Remote dowsing in the way that I work is about working with the individual to find the originating cause and therefore healing the person as much as the space in which they live.

Q: meditating – how long before dowsing should one meditate for?

Q: "How long before I should start seeing consistent correct dowsing results?"
A: Again this will vary from person to person. Also don't expect dowsing to ever be 100% accurate. Its working on the subtle levels and sometimes as with any subtle energy interaction it can be tricky to get a "good connection" or gather information clearly.

Q "I have had the rods move some on their own with correct answers, move on their own with wrong answers & not move at all as well. I have probably been guilty of unintentionally moving the rods for the known answer, too."

See section in this video on "blind dowsing" at 28mins 45secs

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Do leave me some questions below for next week's livestream at 3.30pm BST Monday 24th June. See you there!


Thanks for answering my question about public land and industrial spaces. Very helpful.


Tim, thanks for answering my questions. I'm still practicing as much as possible, and I am making progress. Your videos are so helpful!
