[Manga Dub] I Helped a Woman Alone on a Road. She Was Abandoned By Ex Boyfriend And.. [RomCom]

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The R34 really caught me by surprise lmao, I was laughing upon seeing it


Akira, you're so kind to her and cool.


Shizuka ex-boyfriend Waruo, really is the worst for what he did to her on the mountains. He lucky that Shizuka did not press charges because what he did is punishable in Japan.


Poor Shizuka, I feel bad for her. Akira take great care of Shizuka with love.


Oh neat, it’s Dexter Manning and FalonEcho today!

I was wondering when Neko Oka would stick these two VA’s in the same video since they already stuck John Tague with Ciara Payne in other videos


it's sad to leave a person that you love behide not ok 😔


Ditching your girlfriend in the mountains and then coming back saying you love her is not love especially by actions. Its just straight up selfishness


Warou seriously was such a jerk for abandoning Shizuka on the mountain like that.😡 Shizuka made the right choice in breaking up with him. It was really nice of Akira to help out Shizuka then and protecting her when Warou came back.😊 And it's really sweet that they became a couple.🥰


Yay! I love it when we get a great episode like this. Just two adults adulting 😂


The boyfriend looks like the main character lmao


Bro rented a R34 I would do the same.😂
I like how most of the comments are about the R34 car guys united.😂


A guy leaving his girlfriend in the middle of nowhere is much worst than a scum. Good thing Akira saved Shizuka from further harm. He's like a knight saving a damsel in distress. With that incident Akira and Shizuka became a sweet couple.


Ex boyfriend, it's not her you love, but yourself! (Asked why this narcissist is very clingy towards her? out of ego or he realized that no one likes him)


2:29 bro really rent a litteral nissan gtr for just a meeting


Poor girl why did she date with that guy. Love the ending she deserve happy end 💜


I met a girl who was dumped out of her boyfriend's car.

I used to work nights out in the country. On the coldest night of the year, I was surprised by a knock at the office door. I saw a girl through the glass door, shivering in the cold. I let her in.

She'd been on a midnight drive with her boyfriend. It turned out his best friend had told him that the girl was cheating on him with the best friend. So the boyfriend dropped by her house to pick her up for a drive so they could talk about it.

Unfortunately for her, he did more than talk. He beat her up, and then kicked her out of his car. She landed in a puddle, getting soaked. Then he drove off.

She started to walk home, but she wasn't wearing any shoes, just socks (she didn't expect any trouble, so she'd gotten into his car without putting her shoes on).

The place he'd dumped her was about a mile from my workplace. She had to walk past my work on her way home. When she saw the lights on, she took a chance that she could find some help, and she found me.

I sat her down and started the process of warming her up. Her clothes were full of ice crystals (coldest night of the year), but her socks were the worst of the lot. She already had some frostbite starting in her feet and toes.

This was before cell phones, so she couldn't call for help while she was walking. But she used my office phone to call her brother to come get her and take her to the hospital (I wanted to call an ambulance for her, but she didn't want that). Her house was only 5 minutes from my workplace, but 10 minutes passed, and her brother still hadn't shown up. She was in bad shape, so I warmed up my car to near tropical conditions, bundled her up and carried her out to my car (her feet couldn't handle walking anymore), and drove her to the hospital.

She worked in the hospital at the snack bar, so they recognized her when I carried her into the ER. They immediately arranged for a room for her. With her being cared for, I returned to work.

I later learned that she did indeed have frostbite, but it was caught in time so she didn't lose her feet or any toes. She also had a fractured cheek bone and a concussion. If she hadn't tried to get help from me, she would have collapsed before she got home and frozen to death on the side of the road.

The girl didn't want to press charges against her boyfriend, but her mom did. So he was arrested and spent some time in prison.

I didn't get a GF out of it like the MC. I got a cookie, one of those pizza-sized cookies they used to sell in shopping malls (this was back in the 1980s). Her mom dropped off the cookie at my workplace during the day. The other employees ate my reward, leaving me with only crumbs in the box.

I still think about that girl sometimes and wonder how she's doing.


Car sickness at mountains, I also experienced it


I hope Waruo ends up stranded in a winter storm and taken by a yuki-onna.


Waruo is a jerk, to Shizuka behind by herself, because if carsickness, Akira is a kindness person to help with Shizuka, can’t leave women be themselves, people have earning in right ways and respect to them.


Akira and Shizuka nice Antonio Lopez San here And for my Original Julio Lopez Kun Thanks, Grãcias and ありがとうManga Angel Neko Oka🙂👋🏼😉✨👍🏼
