Cash Envelope Stuffing of Two Completed Savings Challenges | The Only Way Is The #Wingity Way
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OH EM GEE! I completed two savings challenges and now it's time to STUFF them! I do both cash stuffing AND savings challenges of course for the extra fun!
🌙A M A Z O N S T O R E F R O N T:
(Please note that these are affiliate links and I get a commission at no additional cost to you!)
🌙A M A Z O N W I S H L I S T:
🌙F O R E V E R F R E E B I E S:
💌S N A I L M A I L:
Forty Plus Life
454 Las Gallinas Ave #171
San Rafael, CA 94903
🌙 C H A L L E N G E S: (Other than my own)
🌙 S H O P S & R E F E R R A L S:
Forever YouTube Fam discount: YTFAM
10% off code: FORTYPLUSLIFE
🌙B U Y M E A B O B A !
🌙 I N V E S T I N G:
🌙 C O N T A C T M E:
🌙A B O U T M E:
I'm a single mama of two adult daughters and currently live in Las Vegas, NV. Follow along with me while I pay off my debt and save for my future. You also get to see my (4) adorable furbabies!
🌙 D I S C L A I M E R :
I am in no way a financial advisor, expert or anything of the sort. This is just me taking control of my finances and doing the right thing, and having some fun while I'm doing it!
Music licensed from Envato Elements
Item Title: Baby Fun
Item ID: GKW92NX
Author Username: 331
Licensee: Veronica
Registered Project Name: Forty Plus Life YouTube Channel
License Date: December 25th, 2022
Item License Code: NPRGHM38S6
#savingschallenges, #wingit, #sinkingfunds
🌙A M A Z O N S T O R E F R O N T:
(Please note that these are affiliate links and I get a commission at no additional cost to you!)
🌙A M A Z O N W I S H L I S T:
🌙F O R E V E R F R E E B I E S:
💌S N A I L M A I L:
Forty Plus Life
454 Las Gallinas Ave #171
San Rafael, CA 94903
🌙 C H A L L E N G E S: (Other than my own)
🌙 S H O P S & R E F E R R A L S:
Forever YouTube Fam discount: YTFAM
10% off code: FORTYPLUSLIFE
🌙B U Y M E A B O B A !
🌙 I N V E S T I N G:
🌙 C O N T A C T M E:
🌙A B O U T M E:
I'm a single mama of two adult daughters and currently live in Las Vegas, NV. Follow along with me while I pay off my debt and save for my future. You also get to see my (4) adorable furbabies!
🌙 D I S C L A I M E R :
I am in no way a financial advisor, expert or anything of the sort. This is just me taking control of my finances and doing the right thing, and having some fun while I'm doing it!
Music licensed from Envato Elements
Item Title: Baby Fun
Item ID: GKW92NX
Author Username: 331
Licensee: Veronica
Registered Project Name: Forty Plus Life YouTube Channel
License Date: December 25th, 2022
Item License Code: NPRGHM38S6
#savingschallenges, #wingit, #sinkingfunds