Why our ancestors are angry at Ruto’s leadership according to Spiritual practitioner Mildred Awino

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Today, African Spiritual healer and astrologist, Mildred Awino, walks us through the rise of the age of Aquarius, why our ancestors are angry at Ruto’s leadership but proud of the people demanding for change , and where all the anger Kenyans are feeling is coming from

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What message do you have for President Ruto?
You can connect with Mildred here


We calling upon intercessors to pray for Kenya.
Lord have mercy upon us


spirituality is so pure but Africans use it negatively and call it demonic, we can use our spirituality for the better good


Be ignorant and skip this at your own loss, i am a Christain, and listening to this objectively has helped, this woman is high level intuitive, her knowledge and interpretation of the bible is amazing, just be open minede and listen, and once more, thanks Lynn


„And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.“
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭


One thing I am deeply pursuaded is that Kenya belongs to Almighty God and only His purposes will be fulfilled in Kenya. Many forces are contending for the soul of Kenya because of the great revival and prophetic destiny. Among all other gods, Jehovah God will prove Himself strong on behalf of the Church which will never die.


Listening to her makes me embrace my gifts that i have suppressed for a long time and was afraid to embrace it. Thank you for taking that step for us. Your courage is highly appreciated!!!


African spirituality is not demonic. This is the Age of Aquarius. Our collective conciousness is rising. Thank you Lynn for inviting Mildred.


This lady am sure did Raja yoga spiritual studies. That's the knowledge they teach. They call it spiritual studies. I have been there after studying i understood all religions but still continue being a Christian and gave my life to Jesus and I am very happy.


After death, the soul goes to either paradise or place of torment (Luke 16:19-30, Luke 23:43). The body returns to dust. Simple.


He should keep his pride diwn for once and listen to us Kenyans we're the ones who kept him in that position he should respect that and consider our interests... Gone are the days wangetunyamazisha but now ni mwamko mpya we must air our voices!!!


I am a christian but im aware that lyn's channel is not a theocratic one so allow her bring whoever she desires.she can bring an atheist, a pastor, spritualist, muslim etc.lets learn other people's beliefs to understand ours most


Our own Tim Kimani Bamboo and Erica Mukisa who have been on this show have taught us what this practice of divination, necromancy, worshipping familiar spirits is about.
There are so many testimonies out now from all over the world now from people who have been involved in these practices and they have told us what this ‘spirituality’ is about. Most importantly God’s word has warned us. We have been well warned. These practices will invite the wrath of God and bring curses upon a people.


Why do we raise ancestors to a level of gods. Why do we always think that once one die, he/she becomes enlightened and stuff. In those days we also had very stupid, angry, ancestors who worked with dark energies. Just like 100 yrs from now we shall be ancestors to the generations to come but that doesn't mean we are super aware and stuff.
This reliance on ancestors is another way of escaping that your life is yours and to rise is your work. No ancestor is coming your way, no spiritual guide will guide you you have to see your weakness and rise above it. Utaenda huko spiritual upatane na shosho yako alikuwa mchawi na uingizwe uchawi ukisema ni ancestors. Hii mambo ya ancestors na spirit guides mambo yenye imefanyia watu nje ni noma.
Church is not dying but church will definitely have to reform. The power of the church is not in the number of people attending but in the state of the heart of the people. Ata generation nzima ikisema haina haja na mambo ya Christianity mungu anasema hakosangi wake wenye amejiekea.
Sure there is a shift in the church and how much we lyn on it, the number of fake pastors is alarming but God himself will clean his church for himself for he sees the hearts.
But don't be deceived that church is dying, by the mass movement of people to ancestral stuff for church is being reborn.
Mtu mweye hajawai deal na evil energies na mambo ya uchawi anaeza ongea hivi but ka umeona what the power of the dark forces can do you can't confuse what the power of God in the old and in the new testament did thru jesus to save us.
We ongea tu mambo ya ancestors and stuff but mambo ya God wa bible muache tu huyo but isimumix na usimcompare na this african spirituality things.


Am a born again Christian.I like being open minded coz God is love and loves everyone but He doesn't force Himself on anyone. I really tried to listen to this lynn but somewhere along the line i lost peace.I chose to quit but am happy Lynn for giving people the platform to express their beliefs.Let everyone choose their line.I choose Jesus.Have anyone ever thought why it was so easy for the whites to colonize our ancestors coz we were already in line with their religion. Where did we pick dowry and circumcision from. Of course there is a little white washing in Christianity but JESUS is real.Hell and heaven are real Choose Him


Lynn huyu need to read the Bible about dead people, job 7:9- 10, Ecclesiastes 9:5, this is divination


Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the light.Hizo zingine ni confusion.


Mildred is outstanding, her African spirituality concept is enlightening, she has a broad grasp in astronomy. The age of aquarius is here


There’s some truth to what Mildred is stating, as life is indeed, spiritual. but she lost me at “ there’s gonna come a time when we will not find answers to our problem from God”
God, the creator of universe and everything in it, is a sovereign God, period!
Please have a part two with Mildred and host pastor T & Bamboo, my humble request.


That is very insightful. Those who have, and continue to be brainwashed by religion, is own choice. We are spiritual beings, period! Spirituality is deliberating. I want to get in touch with Mildred on this.
