HAVOC HOTEL 3 [ROGUELIKE] - Launch Trailer

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🏝️Island Code: 0335-8436-1670

Can you believe the Hotel is still plagued by “The Havocs” group? Good luck trying to get rid of those maniacs & escape the Hotel unscathed in this brutal Roguelike.

🤝 Solo or Co-op fun
💥 30 difficult rooms full of nasty enemies
💰 Earn Coin$ & Soaps by defeating foes
📈 Spend Coin$ on getting bigger rewards, unlocking weapons & permanent power-ups
🧼 Invest Soaps to increase chances for better weapons & boosters
🎲 Choose a random reward after clearing each room
🐐 Escape the most times & become THE GOAT

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I only tried 2 and 3, and soloed both.The second one is kiddy casual fun.The third one, just lose until you can unlock the excalibur.An explosive replacement until you save up for explosive class.The difficulty is turned up to an 11.I Went back to the second one and it was nothing burger compared to dealing with the third one.


Husband lost everything.. it set him back to the beginning like he never played


I love these games bro please keep them coming ❤


Good luck prestige with the amount of soap your gonna need


I mean this in the most polite way possible when I say that this new Havoc Hotel game is awful.
1. Most rooms are super bugged:
- Room 8 will spawn enemies in the next room, basically making it impossible to pass
- Depending on what device you play on, most rooms will dramatically slow down your game
- There are some points in the starter rooms that have spots you can't go to
2. The enemies REALLY need fixes
- Some enemies (For me) won't reward gold on elimination
- Some enemies must be on FaZe with their God-Tier accuracy
- WAY to much health for the starter enemies
These problems make it feel impossible to pass the first few levels if you're playing it for the first time
3. The weapons / Upgrades
- Upgrading the chances for higher rarity weapons basically do nothing (I have Uncommon AR possibility maxed and it'll take a miracle to get one)
- The health & shield upgrades are very slow and hardly even noticeable
- This is one I know EVERYBODY will agree on.. The prices for the stuff is to high (Like mf why do explosives cost 100 TRILLION gold??)
4. Miscellaneous issues
- XP is very limited (idk if it's a bug with the game or Fortnite itself)
- Hostages are nowhere to be found in the first 6 levels except level 3
- Sometimes the game will give me a golden weapon even if I don't have it unlocked
- Most perks are rarely ever usable since they hardly ever come up
- The "Receive Gold" and "Higher Bonus" perks are too common
- It's lacking new features, as if it's just a remaster of the second game

Overall, I think this game is a HUGE downgrade from the last two.
I ranked the first game a 6/10, and ranked the second higher with a 8-9/10. I don't think this game is up there with those two quite yet.
I can't really rank it yet considering it's still early access. But if the full game releases and these issues are still present, I'd probably give it a 3-4/10
There are still a lot of really great things about the game though, but there are a lot more negatives than positives.

My opinion though, others might like the tougher difficulty or rare perks. If you're someone like me who plays games to have fun and not to play competitively, I really would not recommend the third game of the series.


Room 15 hostage is still bugged. Can't get underneath when the planks are broken or at least me and my buddy thought the planks were broken.


They should make a sub-zero version of this😅 that way I can go throughout the rooms fighting the MPC's


Dude, the end with all bosses was lit. You definitely need to be more skilled for this chapter!


Bro did you delete it I went to play it and it isn’t their please bring it back


yo guyss, me and my mate have gotten to room 26 twice already.... is it locked on purpose or is it a bug ?


are there plans to make a 4th installment?


My whole progress just got deleted because of a disconnect. Nice game


This is kinda of a random request but could you make the final boss Midas?


Was stating to get towards the end rooms. Logged back in and all my progress was lost. Hope they get this fixed


You need to fix the xp problem I lost 7 lvl on this map. I played gaind xp and lvl up and when I exited the game the lvl's were gone and that sucks


Havoc hotel bots are extremely overpowered and have perfect aim. A split second into entering a room you're immediately dead. There is absolutely nothing fun about that. Also, hiding girls inside flat walls is stupid. That's not "rescuing" a girl its just ignorant. Havoc hotel has some better features in the 3 versus 2 but I'm still just going to stick to 2 after a week or so of playing it. It needs a LOT OF WORK


They have taken away the progress I had and now I am back to zero, what a fucking chore.


Havoc hotel 3 has a bug, if someone gets the same perk as you but their rarity is lower, it will switch your rarity to the same rarity as theirs. It ruins most of my speedruns


Is it normal that every different weapon type costs so much like the shotguns


This 3rd one was really annoying to play in. The fact the astronauts shred you once you come open and you get evaporated by the explosive repeater rifle dudes. And the explosives are insanely expensive to reach. This map is not fun.
