Samsung Galaxy Watch 4's Best Features You (probably) Didn't Know About

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0:00 I've had this for a while
0:50 #14
1:20 #13
1:56 #12
2:47 #11
3:18 #10
3:55 #9
4:30 #8
5:12 #7
5:50 Sponsor Shoutout
6:40 #6
6:50 #5
7:39 #4
8:22 #3
9:12 #2
9:39 #1

#GalaxyWatch4 #TipsAndTricks #bestbuy @bestbuy @MagicLinks #MagicLinks #sponsored

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What are your favorite features? Anything I didn't mention in this video?


quick story on how important phone disconnect was for me... I went on holiday abroad and in a bag was all my holiday money, credit cards, passport and phone, I got out of a taxi at a hotel, offloaded all my bags (so I thought) and walked off... as I got into the hotel lobby my watch vibrated and told me I was not near my phone! this could have been a really valuable lesson to learn if I had not had the phone disconnect feature on!


I work at an environment where I can listen to music on my earbuds but cannot look at the phone. This watch is a dream come to as it allows me to change/skip/search songs when I was playing in Youtube music.


One thing I would recommend is enabling Developers Options... It's really handy and you can further control how the watch behaves, like animation speed and transitions to make it feel more snappy (fast) or smoother, vibrations settings and its behaviour when charging, Wifi, BT and other advanced features to make your watch suit your needs further or make it more efficient....


The Body fat thing thing was actually spot on to the machine we have at the gym where the PT gives out a huge paper with the same stuff on. 5/5 time it says the same with maybe 0.2 in a difference on some of them


Absolutely loving my watch 4 (non classic).. Fitness tracking has been surprisingly accurate. If I may make one suggestion Mike, you should raise some awareness about Samsungs watch face studio, it's an incredible way to design your own perfect watch face for the watch 4


You didn't mention the "hard fall detection" feature. This is awesome, and will send out an automatic SOS message or call someone when a hard fall is detected.


For Number 9, rearranging your apps, this is done really quickly and easily through the Galaxy Wearable app on the phone 👍


I've been a proud owner of the smartwatch for over two weeks, and even though I was initially skeptical about the battery life, OS optimization is so effective that I'm capable of getting two full days out of the watch now.


I pretty much used all the features mentioned in the video! Great content! Another fun feature for this watch is to be able to use it as your phone camera shutter if your setting up your camera at a distance.


I dont think Bixby gets enough credit. I use it for 1) take a photo (when Hands are in use like holding the object-my cat), 2)take a selfie 3) change the screen time to 10 minutes when I working on a recipe 4) send a text message to someone 5) It also makes reservations. These are things the google assistant doesnt do. Maybe I'm the only one that uses it?


A good thing to do is to link Theatre Mode with Bixby Routines so that when you turn it on, it turns on Do Not Disturb on your phone. Not sure why it doesn't do this natively, like Bedtime Mode, but it's still a neat thing to do.


I LOVE phone disconnection alerts! It was automatically enabled and I left my phone in the store the other day, got to the parking lot and got the disconnection alert! Phew! My phone is also my car key, so if I walk away from the car and my wrists buzzes, I know to run back and get my phone! Love it.


The ability to flip the orientation was a game changer that samsung snuck back into the watch. I'm a left hander and it's a welcome feature.


Changing the disconnection notification to an "alert" really helped me when I forget my phone somewhere. I use my watch daily and it lasts just over a day and a half. Awesome watch


Surprised noone is mentioning the flashlight with a gesture. Super useful for me atleast.


If you download the Google assistant you can have that set for your key instead of Bixby. I personally use my double press for my music app.


Wants to remember a song for later but can't use his phone as he's driving. Proceeds to take both hands off the wheel to take a screenshot of his phone 🤣


Perfect for those of us who got one for Christmas.

Never thought I'd use this being young and healthy but I got a respritory infection (like bronchitis but milder) and the oxygen blood scanner is useful.


Getting one of these bad boys for Christmas. It'll be my first smart watch and I really cant wait
