Go Inside Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck's LA Home; Ellen Pompeo Shows Off Her Malibu Estate

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In the DBL E-Block:

- We're getting an inside look at the Los Angeles home Jennifer Lopez shares with Ben Affleck and Ellen Pompeo's Malibu mansion.

- DBL remembers the passing of Fleetwood Mac singer/keyboardist Christine McVie who passed away Wednesday at the age of 79.

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The JLO tribute was an actual hoax fabricated by a someone else. You should really research this before spreading hate.


Please get your facts straight jlo never said wanted to do a Whitney Houston tribute. You all are suppose to be college educated reporters but failed to do proper research...smh


She was sarcastic with Gigli. You guys are thick in the head 😝


How about you stop with the false reporting and stop giving misinformation out. It's a shame no one on this show cares about doing their job properly, because it should have taken you 5 seconds to realise that the Whitney Houston tribute story is a load of bull that came from a Whitney fan account to incite hatred against Jennifer.


Why these journalists talk false gossip like crazy parrots


Incredible "journalism" reporting on random rumours created to hate on jlo on twitter. Wow just wow. Couldn't even bother do a little googling huh? that woman has a smear campaign going on against her all over the internet for no reason and this channel is always the first to play along. It's quite embarrassing to be this unprofessional


Not trying to defend JLo here, BUT - the Whitney thing isn’t true, and if you actually watch the interview, that Gigi redo comment was said kind of jokingly.


What alot people don't know is Gigli was supposed to be a dark movie went under massive reshoots to become a rom-com instead after it came out they had gotten together and studio thought that would help sell the movie together. also it clear to anyone who watch the 73 questions with Vogue she wasn't serious.


Exactly , when you are in love you don't have time and don't care about the photo for the approval of everyone. Definitely show immaturity.


Its actually the media who makes the news over hype because you the media loves to talk about them now why you love talking regarding thier plans or the media makes money with anything that concerns them…


Banyak kabar hoax tentang JLo, kecuali kabar tersebut diucapkan oleh JLo sendiri. Saya yakin soal menyanyikan lagu tribute untuk Whitney Houston adalah bohong & palsu. Yg diucapkan JLo baru2 ini adalah tentang Album baru nya This Is Me...Now yg akan segera beredar tahun 2023 nanti.
