...and proved my point about originality

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Stealing like an artist is one thing....but the internet often feels very different. Where is the line between inspiration and trend chasing?

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After 30 years in advertising, I learned that two bright minds coming to the same conclusion for a similar creative problem is not STEALING. It's logic.


“Good composers borrow, Great ones steal!” Igor Stravinsky


"Unique instead of original!" Love it.


Such a great music in the background!!! I bet is one of your compositions!!!


Jameson's way of explaining ideas and the background music are soothing and informative at same time .. Much luv frorm Syria


Well said, Mr. Jones. Thank you for always sharing quality thoughts and artistry. You forever inspire me.


To consider the ability to create far more valuable than the creations themselves … that sure is something that deserves the time to let it sink in.
Thinking about it, that has a lot in common with 'giving a fish vs. teaching fishing'. Which makes sense, I guess. At least to me it does. 😊
Thanks for this video – and for the previous ones as well!


Can you imagine how shallow the process of art creation would be if all you were concerned with is "what's currently trending on YouTube"? You're totally right, it feels super icky to get on youtube and see 8, 000 videos on the same topic because people are trying to appease the algorithm. I guess my unwillingness to participate in that is a large contributing factor as to why my channel remains tiny 🤗


I really like the sentiment here, I have also always had the perspective of "I can always make more". I do think there was an opportunity here that was missed. There is a limit and presenting that would have been good even though that limit has changed over time. It still exists and confines people, incentivizing them to push themselves away from the lazy copy and paste.


Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.


Very interesting video Jameson - you took something that is hard to convey and conveyed it without too much criticism and helping us shift our perspective as well. Pressure is no good for an artist. Thank you for your relentless honesty and (aware) optimism. Cheers!


Every creation is an expression of where we are at the moment of creation. I heard a phrase that helps me: 'get out of your own way'. Thanks for the thought-provoking video. You have been a great influence on me for the past 10 mins and I have commented/expressed myself three times during the course of your video, and I hardly comment (on videos) at all.


08:46 in comms and narratology we have the post-structuralist notion of intertextuality, where any text (that can be any form of organized utterance, from a poem to a photograph to a film to a piece of music) only exists in relation to all other texts that have existed before it - it will always be a reinterpretation of things experienced before, either by affirmation, negation, subversion, parody, quotation, etc.

When you're composing a piece of music you're tapping into your internal library of musical references and deciding what it will be like and what it won't be like.

The interesting thought here is that understanding art in this context expands the meaning, enriches the semantic universe any piece lives in. When you take a Bach piece and substitute all the notes, besides having meaning itself, it also has meaning when positioned alongside Bach, and the contrast between them, the choices made, tell yet another story.

So, even the act of "taking inspiration" is, in itself, a creative act.


Good video mate. Definitely gets the creative juices flowing. Also love the outro - Make some stuff. I feel that. Cheers brother.


I'm not hung up on trying to be original at all. All I care about is that I create music that I would like to hear as a consumer. As it turns out, what I like to hear as a consumer isn't very popular for the most part. And that's fine. That's why I don't bother publishing my music. That's why I don't have a YT channel. That's not to say no-one else listens to my music; my daughters listen to it and they will critique it! What I'm hung up on is that I'm not talented enough to make the music I would like to hear. Sad but true.


because of M O N E Y every single time, it's all about... M O N E Y


Great topic. I once asked someone, does it not bother you that you keep creating music and other people just steal what you create? He said "it hasn't stopped Nike from continuing to make sneakers!". That's all I needed to think differently about a lot of things.


"I think the ability to create, is far more valuable than the creations you make themselves" I might even steal (sample) this xD


Just what i needed to hear today. It is easy to loose sight of the main reasons we make things. To learn to make more things and enjoy the process.


You are just a good soul coach. Always enjoy hearing what you have to say. Thanks bro.
