How to design checkbox in Figma

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A quick tutorial on how to design an interactive checkbox in Figma.
In this video, we will find checkbox icon at Google Fonts, import it into Figma and create a checkbox component using this icon with two states (Default and Checked).
#checkboxes #checkbox #checkboxfigma #uidesign #ui #userinterface #userexperience #ux #productdesign #uidesigntutorial #userinterfacedesign #designinfigma
In this video, we will find checkbox icon at Google Fonts, import it into Figma and create a checkbox component using this icon with two states (Default and Checked).
#checkboxes #checkbox #checkboxfigma #uidesign #ui #userinterface #userexperience #ux #productdesign #uidesigntutorial #userinterfacedesign #designinfigma
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