Never eat a SLUG...

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Slugs and snails can be vectors for rat-lung-worm-disease. If they feed on rat faeces, there is a chance they may pick up a very dangerous parasite - Angiostrongylus cantonensis; this is a parasitic nematode (roundworm) that can reach the central nervous system.

Although it's unlikely that you would contract this illness, it's best to play it safe and not eat slugs or snails...

#shorts #microscope #slugs #slug #slime #parasite #worm
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A woman was terribly ill. Went to 3 doctors, lots of routine tests, pat on the back. Finally went to a doctor who took a blood sample and didn't just send it to a lab for routine tests; he LOOKED at it under a microscope. She was loaded with dog hookworm (I think) worms. The doc prescribed meds that killed the worms and she was fine.
Sometimes old techniques are better.


He literally did it as a silly bet with his friends and it destroyed his life. Crazy.


His poor mother and his buddies. He and his friends just didn't know yet, it could happen to anyone. I heard of a guy this happened to who accidentally ate a snail in his salad from his own garden. His parents agreed to let his body become one of the world's first few successful face transplant donors. The recipient lost his face in an electrical accident, iirc, and was so grateful. ♡

Rest in Peace, Sam Ballard. This world is so unfair man.


Very interesting and very unfortunate at the same time.

Thanks for informative video as always.


… now I’m wondering if the summer camp I went to as a kid still has that tradition of getting newbies to lick a banana slug… 😰


Learnt about parasitic diagnosis in med school, parasitic infections can sometimes be overlooked since the symptoms can be overlapping with other diseases.


How weird. I’m in my 50’s now. When I was about 6 I picked a strawberry from our garden, took a bite and there was half a slug left in the other half. I noticed it was unusually soft, so I spit out what I bit into. Lucky for me, considering what this poor guy went thru.


short informative and respectful. And started me down a rabbit hole.


I’ll never forget his story. I could have done something just as stupid biting into a uncooked fish I just caught as a drunken dare. Never forget that there is an invisible world of danger. Just because you can’t see it with your own eyes doesn’t mean it’s not there. Sad he had to go through that for me to realize.


Sometimes, when a guy tells you to shut up and hold his beer.. he doesn’t come back for it


Yeah my friend tried to eat a slug when we were teens, fortunately the slug started releasing slime all over his mouth to defend itself causing him to vomit uncontrollably for several minutes, which was actually hilarious


I’ve heard of his story before. It’s terribly sad. Thank you for keeping his memory alive and educating others as to the hidden dangers.


Wash everything you're about to eat, add chlorine to the water you're going to use to wash fruits and vegetables, then wash away chlorine or soap traces with mineral water.

Deep freeze the pork meat.

Also cook for 3+ hours the pork meat.

Learn how to identify if a fish is fresh or at least was frozen while recently out of the water.

Even canned food can be dangerous if you don't wash the can before opening it.
(A co-worker of a son in law died that way by hanta virus)


"NEVER eat a slug."

There goes my daily routine.


This is the first time ever I’ve felt good about being the “boring” and “coward” friend of the group for not wanting to do bets and dares and “proving” something to my friends. Guys, remember, don’t do anything stupid. It’s not worth it. It’s just a stupid bet. You are not a coward if you don’t wanna do something. You shouldn’t need to prove anything to your friends.


"Never eat a slu-"
Yeah no shi-


I can’t believe there were no anti parasitics he could have been treated with wow


It's crazy how small something has to be to kill us. What a beautiful yet terrifying world


"never eat a slug" the French: how bout i do anyway? ~


What that parasite does to snails is it controls its mind to go to a visible area for birds and apparently rats to eat and that's how this survives. It makes the snails antennae bloat up and pulsates and change color to get the attention to predators the predators then eat the slug and digest it the worm then lays its eggs and dies in the stomach and the bird or in this case rat poops out the eggs for slugs to eat. Snails can get infected by it too. It's terrifying for humans to get.
