Saturn's Sandworms OccultScience Trib.

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For Bill,Occult Science101 I think he just might have been on to something.....hmmmm
Please your participation is required here my friends.Although this one is sure to confound most of you assuredly.
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I found this scene to be visually stunning and terrifying, regardless of the small amount of sense it makes.


Admit it. This scene gave you anxiety when you were little, and it still does.


The original planned scene was a black void with clock gears. It was intended to represent a place between the realms of the afterlife outside the flow of time( basically pergatory) it didn't test well with audiences, so it was changed to be more visually appealing. using Saturn (Chronos) was a way to keep the connection to time. But in a less on the nose way. As for turning yellow, maybe soles turn to sand if there there for too long?
Ultimately it's to keep ghosts under house arrest while there case is processed and they are eventually judged. Thus the case workers and what not.


Saturn is the Roman God of time, his Greek counterpart being the Titan Cronus. Since Adam and Barbara's time had ended, they were fading away. Sand is often used to measure time in an hourglass.


Bless the Maker and His water.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His passage cleanse the world
and may He keep the world for His people.


The movie definitely plays on the idea of time. “I am getting all yellow” maybe means she is turning to dust/sand. Note how later in the film during the ritual they start crumbling and turning to dust as they grow old very fast.

Another thing I have been fascinated with is the black/white checkered and striped theme which appears over and over in this film and in many others of Burton.

Adam has black and white flannel, the sandworms have black and white stripes, beetlejuice has black and white...


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


She was getting yellow because of all the yellow colored sand..


Cant help but laugh though when Barbra punches the sandworm and its like "wtf?"


Just browsing the comments and surprised how few people have picked up on the obvious occult connotations of Saturn, the planet which, in astrology, sets the boundaries of your life (and which is naturally associated with both death and time). Step outside your boundaries and you're suddenly on Saturn. Super straightforward. Also whenever they're there, time passes much more quickly. As for Sandworms, worms have been symbolic of death for ages (sometimes people in the past simply called death "the worm") and sand is symbolic of time. Her "turning yellow" could have been either the sand getting on her, her body degrading into sand (dust to dust), or both. It's really straightforward and I'm surprised people find it so inexplicable


Travelling to different dimensions (space & time) is done through wormholes, Saturn is the planet of time (aka Chronos).


They haunt their house. It's very rare to hear a story about a ghost that haunts the entire Earth or even a whole town. They have to stay in their house because their spirits are drawn to it. Why that means going to Saturn and not just leaving the front door into a wall or another room of their house, I dunno. But it's definitely a story device to show their souls are trapped in this specific place.


I love Sand Worms, that's why Saturn has always been my favorite planet.


This film is DRENCHED in the 80s. And I LOVE IT!
Also, when I was a kid, I don't know why, I always thought the sandworm was Beetlejuice in a different form (like the snake). Maybe because the worm is black and white?


I especially love how they set up a very subtle explanation for why Barbara was able to tame a Sand Worm so fast near the end of the film.


The way he squealed when Barbara punched him makes me think he’s just a giant sandy slithery good boy who wants a friend


sand=time in this instance and worm is a portal tunnel


I was always fascinated with this movie & this scene as a kid. Later when I watched Dune I thought, there has to be Dune references in this movie with the sand worms, Barbara later rides in on a sandworm. Dune also explores spacetime travel using its spice. I also just read a article that NASA is sending a probe to titan called... The DragonFly mission. I guess there is a Saturn & time connection via Greek Kronos which reminds me of the movie Avengers EndGame where Dr. Strange, the keeper of the time stone faces off with Thanos, on Titan, a Saturn moon which was very much filled with sand. Also you could travel through tie in wormholes. Then there is that old phrase, the sands of time. IDK if any of it is connected but neat to consider.


It's a "Tim Burton" film, just accept it. 😉👍


This is sort of an explaination on why ghost cannot leave the house where they died
