Craig Callender - 'What real quantum theory teaches us about time reversal' (BS AS, Feb. 2023)

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"Workshop on The Arrow of Time: From Local Systems to the Whole Universe" held in Buenos Aires (Argentina), February 20-23, 2023.

Craig Callender (University of California-San Diego) - "What real quantum theory teaches us about time reversal"

It is well-known that Schrödinger wanted to interpret the quantum wavefunction ψ as representing a continuous distribution of charge traveling through three-dimensional space. What is less appreciated is that Schrödinger also originally desired that his wavefunction be represented by a real-valued function and not a complex one. My talk introduces this 4th-order real wave equation, the first published time dependent Schrödinger equation, and asks what insight it provides into
quantum time reversal invariance. I show that it nicely resolves the tension between the Albert-Callender “pancake” understanding of time reversal and the conventional wisdom in quantum theory.
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