Julie Anne Lee Founder of Adored Beast Apothecary Explains Leaky Gut Protocol

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Does your dog have skin issues that won't go away? This could be caused by gut trauma, also known as leaky gut!

What is a leaky gut❓
The mucosal of the gut lining looks like a cheesecloth and should be very tight together. In the process of Dysbiosis, there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria. This could be from multiple vaccines, antibiotics, or poor diet. Even be passed from a mother dog to its puppy. The cheesecloth starts to spread apart, allowing food to seep through the mucosal junctions to enter the bloodstream and not be digested as intended.

What happens❓
😖 Malnutrition Occurs because the food isn't a small enough nutrient for the body to absorb the micronutrients.
🩸 The larger nutrients enter directly into the bloodstream, creating a chronic inflammatory response because the large molecules are too big for the body to absorb.
🤒 This could lead to illnesses such as diabetes, skin disease, or arthritis. Gut trauma can look like several other illnesses.🦠

Adored Beast Apothecary's Leaky Gut Protocol consists of 5 products.
1️⃣. Anti-Vaccinosis (Rebalancer): helps to remove any adverse effects left from vaccinations without removing any of the therapeutic effects
2️⃣. Liver Tonic: helps to regenerate healthy liver cells, boost the liver's ability to filter toxins, and mediate the proper function of histamines
3️⃣. Healthy Gut: A digestive enzyme probiotic that aids in proper digestion while supporting a healthy immune system
4️⃣. Gut Soothe: helps to replenish and repair the bowel lining while fighting yeast
5️⃣. Gut Sea: tightens and strengthens the junctions between gastrointestinal cells

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Great topic with a practical available solution ! Thanks


I’m using this product right now and it’s amazing. My malamute baby is not fully healed yet but I trust this product.
