The Importance of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty

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There's a strange misconception we have these days when it comes to our perception of truth, goodness, and beauty. We acknowledge their importance in life, but then we often go on believing they're relative. This often leads to us settling for things that are not as true, good, and beautiful as they could be. Matt Fradd discusses how a great deal of what we consume—whether it be media, food, or some other enjoyment—actually falls short of the true fulfillment we can receive from something that passionately pursues the true, the good and the beautiful. Then he suggests some things that do offer that fulfillment.



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The bit about silence is actually the most important point you make, you're not supposed to always be in noisy environments, puts your nervous system under siege


As an artist who loves and serves God, truth, goodness, and beauty is a life long quest in the deepest of ways.


At first I thought you were being extremely subjective and offensive . . . everything you seem to like is "objectively" beautiful and good. I thought you were going to make a point that these these are subjective, but no . . . you actually believe them to be objective. Could you perhaps explain further why the things you enjoy are objectively better?


I found that focusing on true, good and beautiful relationships has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. I used to be a “player” and it wasn’t until I found my beautiful, kind and loving girlfriend that I saw just how empty my life was before her. She has added a fullness to my life that I can only compare to a feeling of gods love and I just know that it’s right. This has in turn made me closer to god and I cannot thank her enough for adding so much fullness and warmth to my life. So I guess what I’m trying to say is work on your relationships and value them because they will bring so much value to your life. More than anything else will.


I agree with you Mr Frad but I don’t think you defended yourself well enough. Maybe this will help: things (including music) either conform to the natural order of number and sound or they don’t. They are either proportionate according to the nature of magnitude and number or they’re not. They either have integrity, ie they have all their parts, according to their nature or they don’t. And their beauty is either easily seen and grasped (clarity) or its not. Also he doesn’t deny taste exists. Everyone has their taste but everything either does or doesn’t have beauty in the actual thing.


I liked all your videos until you critized techno music as "ugly". There might be things you don't approve but it doesn't mean that they are ugly. I know really good techno music makers (and yes they are educated musicians) who are really talented and trying their best to come up with a good beat and musical elegance. And the words they use do not contain any sensual meaning. So let's not generalize all of them. Because I am sure there were some people in the past called the classical music "ugly". Thanks for reading. God bless.. :)
P. S: I extremely agree about the books. I enjoy books more than their movies. Because I learn more and I read beyond the book while reading it.


I get what ur saying. I use to listen to heavy mettle music, but the Lord convicted me and now I’m obsessed with Gregorian chant, and prefer classical music. It has truly changed me as a person. I’m no longer drawn to being depressed, my temper is no longer sporadic and out of control, and I am FAR LESS prone to irritability.
I highly recommend people trying to fast from music! It truly brings the heart closer to God


I'm not sure that calling people 'stupid' and 'the problem' over and over is revealing beauty, truth or goodness.


It is so true how we feel uncomfortable in silence. I actually struggle at first and then my body settles into it. Kind of like a baby fighting to stay awake and the falls asleep.


The point is true but the examples come off as snobery. There are things on netflix that are beautiful and types of music written after 1840 that are beautiful. God is in all things if we look for him.


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as techno head, I'm triggered to death thats a 3 out of 3. 😂


I love listening to Fleetwood Mac and Kate Bush, and I think a lot of their music is beautiful. Just because you love Tolkien, Back, and so on, does not mean that we all have to love it too!!!!
Ordering us to listen to what you love comes across as condescending and

And calling your viewers "boring", just because they don't agree with
Anyway, this video gets my thumbs down!!!


I disagree that books are better than videos.


4:02 Amen! Tolkien! Tolkien! Tolkien! 6:18 I tend to think the LoTR movies are kind of bad, but they're worlds better than the "Hobbit" movies... I sure hope they do a good job with the LoTR Amazon series and keep that hack Peter Jackson miles and miles away from it...


“The problem isn’t Tolkien, it’s you”


Beauty is indeed not subjective but it is present in many more things than we would like to think. It is hidden in some things and obvious in others that's why we think it's "subjective"

That being said - it is certainly not present in everything. I agree with your point.


I agree! I actually realized it myself a few months ago. I realized that the beauty is objective. How wonderful to hear someone confirming it! What you like and consider beautiful, reflects the state of your soul. If you like sleazy and lousy music like Beyonce then there is a disorder in your soul.


This is actually really stupid. Beauty is subjective and people find different things beautiful. Why would you put down artists like Beyonce just because YOU don’t like it? Beyonce is God’s creation and it doesn’t seem very Catholic of you to be calling her songs ugly. God wouldn’t appreciate you calling his creations ugly.
