The Great Eagles of Middle-earth | Tolkien Explained

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They were among the greatest creatures in the history of Arda - Great Eagles that aided the elves and men of Middle-earth in times of peril against the two dark lords. Today, we cover the eagles throughout the first, second, and third ages. From Beleriand, to Numenor, to Middle-earth, the great eagles rescued allies, fought dragons, waged war, and remained loyal servants of Manwe, the Lord of the Valar.

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To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!

Bilbo and the Great Eagle - Ted Nasmith
Hurin and Huor Approaching Gondolin - Donato Giancola
Eagles of Manwe - Ted Nasmith
Gandalf escapes on Gwaihir - Alan Lee
Thorondor - John Howe
Cuivienen - Jenny Dolfen
Manwe - Steamey
Taniquetil - Ralph Damiani
Thorondor - SB
Beleriand Map - Lamaarcana
Eagles, Middle-earth, LOTR - Valonia Feline Dejimke
Fingon to the Rescue - Kurai Geijutsu
Fingon's Rescue of Maedhros - Rick Richie
Tuor Reaches the Hidden City of Gondolin - Ted Nasmith
Fingolfin Rides to Angband - Kenneth Sofia
Fingolfin's Challenge - John Howe
The Death of Fingolfin - Mysilvergreen
Death of Fingolfin - Abe Papakhian
Turgon at Fingolfin's Cairn - Ted Nasmith
Hurin and Huor are landing in Gondolin - Mysilvergreen
Luthien in the Court of Morgoth - Pete Amachree
Beren recovers a Silmaril - Anke Eissmann
The Eagles Save Beren and Luthien - Ted Nasmith
Gondolin - Alan Lee
Melkor - Thomas Rouillard
Glorfindel's Bane - Ted Nasmith
Eagles - War in the North Art
Now down there swooped Thorondor, King of Eagles - Alan Lee
The Winged Dragons - Anato Finnstark
Ancalagon the Black - Anato Finnstark
Rendevous with Vingliot - Wallace Trust
Ancalagon and the winged dragons - Anato Finnstark
Morgoth Chained - Kip Rasmussen
Meneltarma - Peet
Fields of Emerie, Looking onto Meneltarma, Numenor - izzibootz
Manwe - Anna Kulisz
Manwe Sulimo - Gustavo Malek
Eagles of Manwe - Ted Nasmith
Bilbo and the Eagles - Ted Nasmith
Eagle's Nest - Lida Holubova
Out of the Frying Pan - Fantasy Flight Games
Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire - Donato Giancola
The Lord of the Eagles - Darrell Sweet
Last Stand of Thorin Oakenshield - Lucas Graciano
Battle of Five Armies - Justin Gerard
Gwaihir the Windlord Bears Gandalf from Isengard - Ted Nasmith
Gwaihir Windlord - John Howe
Gwaihir Rescues Gandalf from Orthanc - John Howe
Battle of the Black Gate - Ted Nasmith
Battle Above Morannon - Cliff Cramp
The Shadow of Sauron - Ted Nasmith
The Eagles are Coming - Michael Whelan
Eagles to the Carrock - Ted Nasmith

#greateagles #tolkien #lordoftherings
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What do you think would have happened if they took the Eagles to Mordor?


The Eagles were of Manwe. Manwe refused to directly help with events in Middle-Earth, sending instead the Istari. The times the Eagles helped others, they chose to help, and it was the Istari, as well as Galadriel and Elrond. I always felt that Tolkien deciding to have the Eagles show up to save the day at the Gates of Mordor was Tolkien's way of saying Manwe finally decided to send a direct blessing to aid in the war against Sauron. The Eagles timing was perfect, and it was such a blessing to have them to save Frodo and Sam at the end. An author's device to get his heroes out of an impossible situation, sure. But much more than that was Tolkien's on convictions, and I do believe the Eagles showing up when they did were blessings from Manwe.

Now, having them cross Mordor weeks earlier, when the Orc archers, Ringwraith's on wings, and the fires and devices of Sauron were on full watch would have been suicide. If they avoided human archers in Mirkwood, why would anyone think they'd fly over a fully fortified Mordor?


Just imagine a fight between Thorondor and Earendil vs. Ancalagon The Black. Imagine also being a foot soldier in the War of Wrath and you look up into the skies seeing these mighty creatures of dragons and eagles do battle for the fate of Beleriand. I wouldn't blame the foot soldier if he just stood his ground while looking up in shock and awe...


It seems as though Manwë continued to watch over Middle-earth through his eagles even into the Third Age. And on the Eagles not bringing Frodo and Sam to Mordor themselves, I personally believe it involves Sauron putting countermeasures in place in the event that the Eagles were to go there for whatever reason. The Eagles are not invincible by any means so naturally, they won't fly into danger recklessly. And Sauron would be a fool to dismiss the Eagles since he would know what they can potentially do for the opposing side since Sauron was there in the First Age when the Eagles were causing trouble for his master with Thorondor, the greatest of the Eagles, leading his brethren. And as for a video suggestion, perhaps you could do one for the Nameless things of Moria.


One of my favorite parallels between The Hobbit and LOTR is Bilbo and Pippin both seeing the Eagles join the battle and saying "The Eagles are coming!" chills every time. Great video as always!


I'm so happy right Eaglesre are one of mine's most favorite beign's in all of legendarium and my favorite moment with them is in An Un. Jry, when Eagles are carrying company to Carrock, that beatifful and angelic scene with beautifull and angelic So epic!!!! @Nerd of the Rings thank you for this Just keep up with more and more!!!!


I have witnessed some mighty eagles during my school days. They'd swoop down and steel food from Kids who used to eat, during lunch time. Ours was an open area outdoors where everybody used to have lunch with eagles and crows looming over our heads.
Feeding them was like inviting trouble.


I'm so happy you made this video! I adore Eagles and they are definitely under appreciated characters. Thanks for showing them some love


Very well done. A thoroughly captivating video about the great eagles of Middle-earth.


Genuinely I appreciate your literary talent combined with the effort put into visual storytelling. It would be hard for anyone to mistake you for anything other than a true Lord of the rings fan through and through. Glad I found your channel.


Dangit, now I have Hotel California stuck in my head again 🎶🦅


So glad you're going to cover why the eagles can't just fly into Mordor. I've covered it in youtube comments before (there's at least three off the top of my head that are applicable) but it'd be nice to get a youtube video on that.


Just wanna say first off, love the channel and content and second off, thank u for taking the time to do this. One of our nightly deals is for my gf and I to pick at least 2 of these to watch and it makes us both enjoy the story even more. So thank you for doing this again, you and your vids have brought myself and my lady closer together as well.


If the Fellowship did ride the eagles into Mordor the most likely outcome would be the groups total defeat. Not because of the eagles being weak, as in aerial combat they could compete with and even defeat dragons, but because a convocation of eagles bearing nine individuals would have broadcasted the Fellowships intent to Sauron. Given the amount of time it would take them to fly from Rivendell to Mordor, even if they flew in the a straight line the whole way there it would still allow Sauron ample time to amass his forces at Mount Doom at which point no matter who the fellowship included from Middle-Earths long list of heroes they would have been overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of orcs, trolls, and other foul races before Frodo could even enter into the Crack of Doom.


Instantly subscribed when I heard the name of the channel! 💛💛💛


Absolute unsung heroes throughout the legendarium. I'd love to learn what became of them in the Fourth Age.


I've seen many videos debunking using the Eagles to take the Ring to Mordor, all with excellent points; I'm eager to see your point as well.


You're videos are like a gateway to middle-earth giving me an almost therapeutical experience. Thank you!


I have to say you are the best Lotr channel. The other channels are good aswell but the way you tell things is just nice to listen too.


I love these videos so much <3 you should do one about Felarof, Shadowfax and the Maeras!
