Clojure/conj 2012 - Lightning Talks
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Nelson Morris "Ring Tests with Peridot; humanized with Kerodan" 0:00-7:40
Dan Lidral-Porter "Using Quil to Develop Small Algorithmic Art Projects" 7:41-15:40
Heow Goodman "Heroku" 15:41-22:20
Alan Dipert "Functional Reactive Programming in ClojureScript with Flapjax" 22:21-32:47
Dan Lidral-Porter "Using Quil to Develop Small Algorithmic Art Projects" 7:41-15:40
Heow Goodman "Heroku" 15:41-22:20
Alan Dipert "Functional Reactive Programming in ClojureScript with Flapjax" 22:21-32:47
Clojure/conj 2012 - Lightning Talks
Clojure Conj 2012 - Lightning Talks
Clojure/conj Washington, D.C. - Lightning talks
Clojure/conj 2011 - Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks - Rathore, Bockrath-Vandegrift, Miner, Dipert
Clojure conj 2012 - Light Table
Clojure Conj 2012 - MiniKanren Philosophy
Clojure Conj 2012 - Keynote
Lighting Talk - Sometimes it's so obvious in hindsight - Aaron Brooks
Lightning talk: Bayadera, Bayes + Clojure + CPU — Dragan Djuric
Austin Clojure Meetup: Lightning Talks on Parsing, Writing a Leiningen Plugin + More
Clojure Conj 2012 - Web Testing with Logic Programming
Clojure Conj 2012 - Leiningen
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What's New in Leiningen - Phil Hagelberg
Light Table - Chris Granger
clojureD 2017: Lightning Talks by Zach O., Michael P., Sanel Z., Bozhidar B. and Michael J.
Michael Fogus - Zeder - Production Rule Systems in Clojure
Keynote - Rich Hickey
Typed Clojure - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Simplicity in Practice - Luke VanderHart
Leon Barrett - Clojure Parallelism Beyond Futures
David Pick - Building a Data Pipeline with Clojure and Kafka
Lightning Talk: Love Letters to Rothko by Tim Svenonius