Asian vs. European EYE Shapes

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THANK YOU. It may not be a universal way of drawing them, like other comments mentioned, but it's still something! I've only recently started nailing down my human anatomy, and have been wanting to start branching out to different raced and body types, but there's so much info out there it's hard to know where to start.


"You know, more... European..."
Was said with the same intonation that conservative grandmas say code names for gay with.


As an Indonesian my eyes little bit both 😅


Some asians also have the inverse - their outer corners of the eyes droop down.


i'm asian and i very much do not have that "fox eye" that people usually associate with asians, but i understand what you're getting at here
as a character designer it's fun to mess around with different shapes of features and showing the variation of eye shapes around the world inspires me a lot to make my characters not have same face syndrome, thank you for this tip! ❤


i’ve seen lots of asians with downturned eyes, it’s just the flat eyebrow bone or whatever that’s called really


I feel like it’s actually the inner corner that changes because the epicanthic fold that makes the eye look Asian is a fold that covers the inner corner and makes it look lower. (As an Asian with an epicanthic fold).


Asian eyes are also characterized by an epicanthal fold in the inner corner, where their corneas may be fully or partly covered by skin. They aren't just "slanty" or monolidded.


I’m white (Russian) and I have “fox eyes”, while my bff is asian (Yakutian) and she has downturned eyes :D
Outer corner of the eye isn’t an indicator of race, I’d say that inner corner matters much more difference - asian eyes usually have epicanthus which covers caruncle (that pink stuff) and upper eyelid, while european eyes almost never have it. Also, even if a white person has a drooping upper eyelid, it covers an upper outer corner of the eye, not inner one.


Im asian and im gonna say, just because its an asian eye that doesn't mean its raised, most of the asian eyes are slanted straight or downwards


As someone who grew up in east asia I do have to say most of us are almond shape eyed, inner and outer corners leveled, but a general feature is monolid and the very stubborn straight down eyelashes. I think out of the hundreds of east asians ive met only around 10-20% have the cat eyes, or outer corner presenting higher type of eyes.


Shawty is NOT trying to get cancelled 😭.


Anatomically outer corner of the human eye is _usually_ higher than the inner corner, regardless of the race. The intensity varries. Being down turned or up turned does not indicate a race, but the relation of eye lids and the general shape is what’s more important. You can have two pairs of down-turned eyes but you can easily determine which one belongs to a East Asian person thanks to the eyelid’s skin shape (doesn’t matter if monolid or not) and the fat distribution around eye. Don’t quote me on this one but the slight skeletal differences in eyesockets might also be in effect as well.


Id argue its the INNER corner. Obviously all eyes are different, but lots of asians have epicanthic folds (again, still present occasional in certain european people)


The second just looked like a regular fox eye to me, I'd argue the epicanthic fold is a much more reliable way to make asian-looking eyes while including all eye and eyelid shapes. Fox eyes are stereotypical, but most asians don't actually have that eye shape lol


id argue the epicanthic fold is most helpful in communicating visually the character is if asian decent. the “fox eye” outer corner slant is a little stereotyped and not exactly realistic for most asians… epicanthic fold is inner corner of eye more folded btw. mine is pretty pronounced


the next kooleen "racist triangle" method controversy waiting to be unleashed right here 😂

(jokes aside though, I recommend simply using a reference and studying a bunch of different types of eyes, since "one size may not fit all".

And once you've drawn a variety of eyes from reference enough, you should shortly after be able to draw any eye to suit your needs from memory)


I've noticed something else abt asian eyes- while most other people have rounded skin on the inner corners (like in the drawing), a lot of asians have triangular or overlapping skin there and i think its rlly cool


My favorite eyes to draw are downturned eyes, where the outer corner is lower than the inner corner by quite a bit. It gives a "sleepy" or "aloof" look. I love large buff characters with downturned eyes that communicate they're probably an aloof, but kind person.

Pretty much every "attractive guy" character I make has downturned eyes, and I have to force myself to not do that!


"I'm European!?"

-says the Asian calmly.
