Jeff Sessions Announces New Religious Liberty Task Force | NBC News

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U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new religious liberty task force to protect American's freedom of religion.

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Jeff Sessions Announces New Religious Liberty Task Force | NBC News
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As a born-again Christian, I am not comfortable with this Task Force. True followers of Jesus Christ have never needed a government's authority to fulfill the Great Commision of Christ. Of course, laws that are just and right are beneficial, but they are can be taken away just as they were given. We must not link our faith in Jesus with politics. History has shown how very frightening and devastating a merger between government and religion can be (Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, et al). Paul warned that there would be a falling away from the true faith, we are seeing it now. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only message given to a fallen, sinful world. Faith in Christ' death, burial and resurrection change lives. It changed mine. Governmental interference into religion can bring about nothing good. Believers in various parts of the world are being persecuted. However, every Christian is warned that this would occur and that the very governments that people have placed their hope in would be the persecutors. (This is Bible fact concerning the last days.) For those who do not know Jesus Christ, I beg you to pick up the Bible (even if you think you know what's in it) and read the Gospel of John. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to the truth of Christ. Everything that the Bible has predicted concerning the hour we are living in is happening down to the push for a one world government, a one world currency, and a one world identification system. You are running out of time, please just read God's Word.


He means freedom is threatening religious power.


I can't even begin to process my feelings about this. I do know I will not stand and watch this imp destroy my world. He has religious freedom and I have the freedom from his religion. *Congress shall make no laws respecting religion.*


Ya . I want freedom from religion. How about you ? This is not what I want my government to be spending money on .


We are not a stronger country because of religion. We are weaker because of it.


Religion is under persecution? Preparing the ground floor for Theocracy and how to govern it.


Holy S*** This is right out of the intro of some dystopian TV show. Getting ready to pack my bags and leave before they close the borders.


So evangelicals must be the ones complaining of religious persecution by who?


I can't accept anything that comes out of his mouth."I don't recall, I have no recollection, etc".


This is the opening to shariah law 🤦‍♂️


So what about those of us who are capable of intelligent thought? What about those of us that are not of the Abrahamic family of religions?


So we now have to accept the NRA as a Religion and protect them?


this is a slippery slope, it sounds like placation catered to the angry christian who thinks theres a war on christmas or that the devil is trying to start a one world order, but really its just another conduit for the sleeziest of schemers to exploit the law in the name of religious beliefs. if you want to believe in fairy tales, thats fine, nobody wants to kick your door down and stop you but once those fairy tales become a basis for legal action, the whole system begins to crumble and the system isnt exactly fort knox to begin with so i cant imagine how bad things will get once people start using faith as a weapon against others (when has that EVER been a problem in the past? /S)


is he talking about atheism? Is that what he meant to combat with his -inquisition- religious task force.


The Islamists will be looking forward to utilizing this new law.


Hahah How can we waste more money oh I know how about a task force


"And then they came for me..." What happened to separation of church and state? Our top law enforcement officer is creating a task force to help create a religious state. What's next, the Christian version of Sharia law? Make no mistake, this is not about religious freedom, it is about granting freedom and superiority to just ONE religion to take control. Listen to the dog whistle calls presented here that we have heard repeated with other issues like the argument over confederate statues confederate statues, marriage for everyone, and LBGT rights; some mysterious "they" are "eroding our great tradition" and how a deep state "dangerous movement", one that is "undetected by many", is trying to take something away from us. And the reference to the election is a call to white nationalists to remind them how they put Trump in power and how they have a "rare opportunity" to upend our real freedoms and put down all the people who are not like them. Yes, there is an opportunity them alright, we are asleep at the wheel much like Europe in the 1930s. I really didn't think after the era of McCarthyism that the US could descend into such madness again. I did not think fascism or authoritarianism could ever take hold in our democracy, but yet here it is.


Sessions is a classic lawyer/politician. Yuck.


If they didn’t do hateful things then we wouldn’t be calling them “hate groups”. It’s as simple as that


What does religion have to do with politics. Nothing!
