The faces of inequality in India | DW News

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India remains one of the most unequal countries worldwide when it comes to economic and gender inequalities, we met two families to show this gap.

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I have a question for DW. Does your CEO earn same as the member of your office cleaning staff ? What is the difference in pay? Why don’t you pay them equally?


Whole india doesnt need to be responsible for poverty in UP and bihar
They are suffering due to their own deeds.


Pretending inequality is a specific problem in India, ridiculous. The inequality crisis is a global crisis, that are a product of global financial system.


Because western countries have invested in china for last 3 decades. They have neglected india, India's growth is based on domestic markets, whereas Chinese growth was based on exports of goods and investment from western countries


Income gap is huge
Indian's 10% population has 80 % wealth of India
And worst is that they are taking that wealth out of India to get citizenship in EU or North America previous governments have done a lot damage to economy but not easy to recover.
Current Government trying to encourage wealthy people to start business so they can provide jobs.
This is just my opinion don't get offend anyone.


India is growing, but can't create enough jobs for the youth. The unemployment is highest in 45 years.
That's a concern.


Because of the cast system, India will always have this issue.


Claim at At 03:03 - The poor can not afford healthcare expenses.
Reality - 800 Million at Bottom and Midst of Pyramid covered with Free Health Insurance of INR 500 thousand per annum.


Lots of keyboard warriors triggered by the report 😅. Lets understand the reality and work on it rather than questioning the reporter about the situation in EU and US.


Get used to it, India. Different media channels are making videos on you because you're on your way to join the clubs of the superpowers, not there yet. The international media will try to expose every single flaw that you have and you have to be ready to face that and try to improve on it, instead of fighting it. As the world is shrinking, a country like India can't get away from the spotlight.


What about the Romas in Europe? Has Europe achieved equality?


Will DW give same salary for its editor and security staff? Inequality is a consequence of demand and supply. World will always be inequal.


Inequality is increasing in INDIA each year with the rich getting richer and the poor surviving on free grains given by the government to win political mileage.
Its painful… the reality.


I seriously want to meet the editorial team at dw to know why they are so biased about India.


the fact that indians can't accept this as a fact, despite seeing this reality every day says a lot about our ignorance. Keep on blaming everyone else but the current government. The fact that if you earn 25, 000 rps per month will land you somewhere in the top 5 percent or even less than that says a lot about the grim reality of our country. GDP is useless if 95 to 99 percent of the population is living god knows how. And please don't even compare ourselves to europe. Sure you will find people living in poverty there as well but the difference in the numbers here ( India) and abroad is undeniable. One improves if you remove the spectacle of ignorance. Things remain the same if you choose to ignore your problems.


What does equality mean? Is there equality all over Europe? India is also like that. When you look at a huge country in terms of population, you will find that it is full of diversity. Every state here has its own culture, but most of the population of India lives in villages and the old people do not change their environment and culture, but the coming generations will keep going with the changing times and some rich people take citizenship of countries like America, Europe and strengthen their economy.


Hi. Some of the statistics mentioned here could possibly be wrong. According to a Times report, India has 271 Billionaires and not 119 as mentioned during 3:20. For the rest of the numbers I have a feeling that the numbers are not revised to the latest.


This is the reality of life, equality is myth .


Being an Indian, I agree that inequality in the world is a global issue, but inequality in india is extreme . Learn to accept mistakes, improve and progress, else India will remain like this . We citizens should make learned choices and decisions while choosing our representative leader and also pinpoint the weaknesses of the country to improve those areas like poverty, low gdp per capita, extreme inequality, low investment in research and development, low innovation, low scientific temper and more blind old religious customs and taboos


Godi media viewers crying in the comment section
