Simplifying a Fun Radical Expression

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one of the ways could be to regard a=1/2 and b=sqrt(5)/2. then, realize that (a+b)^8 + (a-b)^8 is essentially a binomial expansion of (a+b)^8, where all the terms with odd powers of b are eliminated and the remaining terms are multiplied by 2. this results in an easily computable expression.


It's also the Lucas series and we are looking for the 8th element Ln+1=Ln+Ln-1 where L1=1 L2=3
1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47


that's a lot simpler and quicker then my approach, which was summing the even terms of the binomial formula applied to (1+sqrt5)^8 (the odd terms cancelled out with the odd terms of (1-sqrt5)^8 ), doubling the result, then dividing by 2^8


Your method is a lot more general than what I did; I just exploited the fact that (1 +/- sqrt(5))/2 are the roots of x^2 - x - 1 = 0, and the connection with the Fibonacci sequence to determine that x^8 = 13 + 21 x, if x is (1 +/- sqrt(5))/2, and that gave me the value 2*13 + 21 = 47 (the 2*13 comes from the fact that we're adding 13 twice, and the 21 comes from the fact that we're adding 21/2 twice).


I took the long way. I knew there may be a more elegant solution but I did it just for fun.

I expanded the first term, not minding at the moment about the values of the coefficients. I then eliminated any other term I got and doubled the rest. Knowing that 8 choose 2 and 8 choose 6 are the same, I added them together, then I calculated all the factorials, multiplied, added and divided it all by 2 eight times.

And just to emphasize, I didn't use calculator.
Took me a while though 😅


A nice solution could've been to use the Explicit form of the Fibonacci sequence : Fn=(A^n-B^n)/√5 with A the golden ratio and B its conjugate.


x^2-x-1 was the first thing that came to mind for me


Would use the relation p^2=p+1 to progressively reduce the power of the terms to linear terms in phi


I think the easiest way to solve this problem is to realize that x and y are just the roots of the quadratic equation a^2 = a + 1. This fact makes it easy to prove that a^n = F_n*a + F_{n-1} where F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1 and F_{n+2} = F_{n+1} + F_n (this is the Fibonacci sequence). Then this can be used to reduce the problem to the linear expression F_8*(x + y) + 2F_7. Since x + y = 1, we get F_8 + 2F_7 = 21 + 2*13 = 47.


it also could be solved using the fact that x^2-x-1=0, the roots (golden ratio) are the numbers of the expression, so: x^2 = x+1, and the roots relations are the (x_1) = -1/(x_2) in which [ (x_1)*(x_2) = -1] =>> need to find (x_1)^8 + (x_2)^8, and applying the fact that x^2 = x+1, we have : x^4 = (x^2)^2 = (x+1)^2 = (x^2)+2x+1=(x+1)+2x+1 = 3x+2, now to find x^8 = (x^4)^2 = (3x+2)^2 = 9(x^2)+12x+4 = 9*(x+1)+12x+4 = 21x+13 >>> so we have for each: [(x_1)^8] + [(x_2)^8] = [21*(x_1)+13 ] + [21*(x_1)+13] = 26 + 21*[(x_1)+(x_2)], from above given the relation of the roots we get: =>>> 26 + 21*[(x_1)- 1/(x_1)] or the same as : 26 + 21*[x- (1/x)] = 26 +21* [(x^2 - 1)/ (x) ] = 26 + 21*[ ((x+1) - 1)/ x ] =26+21*[ x/x ] = 26+21*1 = 47 ;


If you use the coefficients of the Tartaglia triangle 1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1 and you eliminate the coefficients corresponding to the odd powers of sqrt(5) doubling the others you get:
Dividing the result by 2^8 you obtain 47.


in case you're wondering, the binomial theorem also works. doesn't take too long, esp if you know that all odd sqrt terms cancel.


This can also be done by taking a quadratic eqaution with roots(root5+1/2 and root5-1/2 ) and then using newton sum


Another method, maybe not as fast:
From Vietas formula, because x + y = 1 and xy = -1, both x and y are solutions of u^2 = u + 1. Multiplying this equation with u^n, we get u^(n+2) = u^(n+1) + u^n, so the numbers u(n) := u^n obey to the linear recursion (“Fibonacci”) formula u(n+2) = u(n+1) + u(n) and so does any linear combination of x^n and y^n. Therefore, defining z(n) := 1*x^n + 1*y^n = x^n + y^n, we know that z(n+2) = z(n+1) + z(n). Starting with z(0) = x^0 + y^0 = 2 and z(1) = x + y = 1, we can successively conclude that
X^2 + y^2 = z(2) = z(1) + z(0) = 1 + 2 = 3,
X^3 + y^3 = z(3) = z(2) + z(1) = 3 + 1 = 4,
X^4 + y^4 = z(4) = z(3) + z(2) = 4 + 3 = 7,
X^5 + y^5 = z(5) = z(4) + z(3) = 7 + 4 = 11,
X^6 + y^6 = z(6) = z(5) + z(4) = 11 + 7 = 18,
X^7 + y^7 = z(7) = z(6) + z(5) = 18 + 11 = 29 and
X^8 + y^8 = z(8) = z(7) + z(6) = 29 + 18 = 47.


Quite quick to square (1+sqrt(5))/2 three times. Then the same with (1-sqrt(5))/2 which is the same but with the negative root 5. Then the answer is just the integer part.


I took the mostly-brute-force method, having played quite a bit with (8, m) in the recent past. The binomial coefficients are 1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1. I only used every other coefficient, because the signs on sqrt(5) caused odd powers of that to cancel. So we get (1 + 28*5 + 70*25 + 28*125 + 625)*2/128 = 94 last I checked. I might check again.

EDIT: I should divide by 256, right? So the answer should be 47.


Is it a good hint to fast calculate Fibonacci number??


Did it with the Fibonacci golden ratio identities now looking forward to watching the video to learn of a perhaps more general approach


If I need to give an explanation, I just need to make the sum of pair powers twice: (1+140+1750+3500+625)×2=12032, when dividing by 2^8=256, it gives 47.


WE can creeate a quadratic polynomisl whose roots are 1+-sqrt(5)/2 that is x^2-x-1 so we have to find the sum of 8th powers of the roots which is simple valuation by newtons sum
