Introduction to SQL Case Statements

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The SQL Case Statement is likely the most useful function to know when working with accounting data as it is used to create custom categories.

The syntax may look a little scary but once you work through a few examples it will become second nature. The purpose of a case statement is to create a conditional column based user defined conditions. Think of Grouping accounts by a selection of Entities, Cost Center or GL Accounts.

We start with the keyword CASE and end with END AS 'Column Name', the categories are defined in the middle by WHEN [condition] THEN 'Category Name' with leftovers going to ELSE 'Category Name'.

💡 Example - I want to categorise entities in to their regions in a new columns called region. 💡


WHEN ENTITY IN (100,101,102) THEN 'EMEA'

WHEN ENTITY IN (200,201,202) THEN 'APAC'

WHEN ENTITY IN (300,301,302) THEN 'US'


END AS 'Region'

In the below video I show a real life example in Google Big Query.





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