Thomas Myers - Tensegrity Applied to Human Biomechanics

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A fantastic view of a concept that applies to pretty much all life systems. Tensegrity was a concept introduced by Buckminster Fuller. Thomas Myers saw the implications of this on the human body and created his Anatomy Trains theory from this concept. Everyday with our testing at Functional Patterns, tensegrity becomes more relevant and it is helping us further evolve our craft. Thanks again Tom, you're doing amazing work!

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this is so important, every athletics teacher should learn this at a fundamental level


.. as a German Biologist - YOU deserve Praise and Applause.
This is essential for everybody -
The more we practice this, the better we are ready
to face any challenge.


Amazing. I saw this 7y ago and wasn't ready. I've been doing FP w my trainer now for like 6 months and I'm rediscovering all this knowledge w newfound interest and understanding. Being able to translate my trainer's words into a body-experience is important for me, so I needed to understand what I'm doing and why.


Omg, thank you so much for this video. Im a massage therapist and i had been finding these tension lines in the body then when you follow them, the fascia releases and the muscle collapses and loses shape. And i have been trying to get an explanation of I was doing and feeling for a year. I start my massages from the bottom up because i find that it the lower back doesnt release if you start from the top going down. I also find that the lower back doesnt release without releaseing the hip, etc.... this is so great. I have been doing massages by following tension lines in the body that i accidently found one day. Thank you thank you so much for your video. It is so great to finally understand what and how releasing the lines of tension were giving my clients back their full range of motion. When i tried to explain what i was feeling or tried to get answers about it, no one knew what i was talking about. I could cry right now. Thank you so much.


Absolutely great stuff! Sadly so few people even today understand even the concept of a tensegrity structure and the relationship and importance of myofascia tissue.


Tensegrity is a major part of internal arts and tai chi postures and bio mechanical alignments. When learning static postures you re basically trying to balance your body and relax and release all the major muscles to the point where the bones and ligaments support your body. It feels like everything is hanging off this but the body is relaxed but still springy. The next stage is working with the interstitial fluids in between the joints cartilage and muscles and compressing and expanding these like a hydraulic system. My teacher calls it “working with the juice to engage the goosh”. Also referred to in chinese tui na massage as pulsing/ open and closing/ expanding and contracting. When you can feel this stage of movement it feels like you are moving through honey thick and viscous. In the classics it is referred to air turns into water.


Mr. Myers I don't know if it's your voice, articulation, or philosophy on biology but you are by far the most fascinating speaker on physiology I've ever heard.  You should have a TED Talk if you don't already.


Very interesting video. Functional patterns is ahead of the game when it comes down to physical and mental health.
Thanks Naudi for the great job you are doing bro. You are saving lives every video upload. Can't thank you enough. Thomas Myers too.


Beautifully presented snd very compelling concepts. Look forward to learning and applying more practical work in this area.


Geweldig om zo inzicht te krijgen in het functioneren van alle structuren in ons lichaam


Fantastic! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the field. You are an inspiration.


I remember my father talking about this time ago when I was a kid, pleased to know he was on the right track on what concernst to physical fitness


Nice demonstration. Enjoying the Jeff Goldblum vocal performance tonality as well... 😊


Thanks a lot for brilliant narration of structural functional patterns forming dynamic bio-mechanics of fascia body networks without beginning and ends connected breakdown bridge cycle looped cellular anatomy.


Hell ya bruh I’ve been a believer in this type of training for years know . Never have I felt better since adapting this style of body mechanics. Thanks Dr super smart guy ...


I was thinking your talks reminded me a lot of the information I read in the book Anatomy Chains!! Love this!!


I taught a martial art for decades. I was strongly influenced by Tom Myer's idea of Anatomy Trains. It lead to practical training methods.


Thank you for this fancinating vidoe! I had a Spinal osteotomy coming up for 3 years ago. It is so helpful to think of the surrounding tissues supporting my spine that can still build flexibility! The breathing thing has been true for me, I now do Tai Chi and I can feel the release and lengthening of my spine (it feels like I'm getting hot and sweating brought on by simply breathing through Qi Gong). I have some prolapsed discs in my neck currently because of the lack of flexibility in my thoracic and lumbar spine, but I'll continue to work on it.


Thank you for making it so easy to understand!


Beautiful presentation. Makes a lot of sense. The body in motion is more the sum of its parts and less the part that you see moving most.
