Primitive Trick to Get Drinking Water in the Desert

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Don't do what I do unless you are in a real survival situation or you are prepared to deal with potential consequences. I have consumed raw wild water in many places and only one time did I ever get a very mild case of diarrhea and that happened in a river that passed through several towns in Mexico. I have consumed water from springs and streams in deserts, mountains and coasts many times without any other treatment to it but I don't recommend it and I know there are potential risks. However, I am willing to take the chances in order to prepare my body to be tolerant of bacterias and pathogens and to gain more primitive survival confidence in the wild. In this video I show how the nature can provide the basic resources necessary to keep you alive if you should run out of water. Sometimes water can be found in the desert at the base of mountains. Just find a sandy or rocky wash and follow it up. Look for areas that are unusually green. If you find moisture you can usually dig down and create a small pool to collect this vital fluid.

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Old man here.

My dad told me a long time ago (1970s) if you DON'T see any BUGS in the water, DON'T drink it.

NO bugs in the water almost guarantee's something is wrong with the water.
It's also best not to drink stagnant (not moving) water unless that's all you have.



What he's doing is good knowledge good teaching. The world as we know it can change by war or anything else you can think of and then all that my friend here as been teaching us comes in to play.

Water shortages, food shortages, clothes shortages, house shortages... Survival time


Just want to take a moment to appreciate how good you are with closeups and filming in general! Thanks for all you do!


Literally trafficked in coachella valley by a government secret society and my mom and i ran for the mountains. We have been living here for 9 months avoiding our traffickers and their cartels. This video is so necessary! We usually collect water from parks and fountains near hiking trials. But this is even better


Thank you for sharing your personal experience. You seem to have great survival skills in the wild. However, it's important to always remember that drinking untreated wild water carries significant health risks and can be seriously harmful.
It's always best to seek out clean water sources and properly treat them before consumption to ensure health safety.

I must say, I am very impressed with your other survival videos. You share your experiences in an engaging and informative way, highlighting vital skills for surviving in harsh conditions. Keep up the inspiring and helpful content!


Hi Chad! I'll watch your videos for a few hours at a time! I learn so much from you! Although.. sometimes I see you doing something that I think is slower or harder than the way I'd do it. I'm from AZ, and my brother & I would often go exploring out in the desert off of I-17 between PHX and Flagstaff, around the top of Walnut Canyon, where down in the canyon are a lot of ancient Indian cave dwellings. We'd often find broken pottery shards on the ground when we'd go gather Pinon nuts. We both had several survival books and my brother did ADVENTURE DISCOVERY group for young teens to learn survival skills. He and another boy spent the night above where the trees can no longer grow with only a blanket to share. I really was into botanical healing, and my friend owns Winter Sun Trading Post in Flagstaff. I learned a lot from her as well as books. If you do get sick out where you are, is there anything to use if you get sick from the water? Thanks! Stay safe! Nancy in ABQ


The one thing I'd be extra cautious about is getting any untested/untreated water near your eyes. It's not just bacteria that can be a problem, but also microscopic parasites. Your guts have hydrochloric acid to help weaken such things (though not completely eliminate all such hazards), but your eyes do not. As Chad says, calculate your genuine needs versus the potential risks, and determine for yourself if it's right for you to do a particular thing, given your current situation.


Вот собственно и урок по выживанию: Если не хочешь умереть от обезвоживания, и найти воду - то надо искать ее там, где обитают насекомые, и вырыв ямку с водой, кое-как напиться хоть и не совсем кристальной, но все-же водичкой, дабы утолить жажду и приглушить это обезвоживание. Спасибо, Чед, ибо ты показываешь правильные уроки, и многие благодаря этому выживают.


I bet the bugs and insects appreciate the little pool you made for them. 😊 Thx for doing this, filming it and sharing it with us.


watching this as if I’ll ever get stuck in the desert lol


Hey Chad, glad to see you’re still kicking it! Wish you the best of luck with rebuilding your hut!


Awesome find Chad. Thanks for sharing!


Gourd! ? I saw an egg 😅 This is my first time seeing a gourd 😀 Amazing 😄 Thank you for letting me know 😀


Another excellent video for teaching. Thank you my friend.


Damn I just found a goldmine I love this type of channel!


.Another excellent video for survival to minimise sickness risks boil the water and put charcoal for less risk


You can soak a sage, or sage brush leaf in the water for antiviral and bacterial properties or just suck on the leaf and then drink the water and spit the leaf out after wards if it’s too strong.


If you can get close to the source it is best. I followed a small stream all the way to the spring as it dripped out of the rock not always possible but slightly safer. Great video I love it when you walk in the desert, I live in the semi desert and water is always on your mind and how to save even cupfuls. Its a dry year here so far.


The desert is an ideal place to be if there is a nuclear attack on cities. I love watching you my friend I appreciate the wisdom and understanding you share.


I heard the flies & it reminded me of outback Australia. 😆😆
I grew up digging for water on the sides of dry sandy & stony riverbeds & streams in the outback.
In most landscapes where you observe a gap in a range, series of hills & such there you will find water. It will flow along the geology of this terrain & the water table will be more accessible at these points, a foot or 3 beneath the surface if it has not already formed a small surface pool. Once you dig down water will seep into your hollow.

In these geological gaps if there is exposed rock you will likely find water seeping from rock faces for the same reasons...geological layers.

You may also find water in boggy spots if there is plant cover on the sides of gaps. You will have to explore.

Any safe plants can be licked for dew, especially nectar plants.
Certain plants store water in roots, unusual fruits and act as receptacles for edible insects high in fat & water.
Get to know your local flora.
Observe where insects & birds gather in your quest for water.

Along coastal.areas plants like Samphire, Pig face, aloe are all readily edible. Most sea algaes too. Learn your plants.
