Perfect Pitch: The Cognitive Benefits BEYOND Music

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In this episode we discuss the latest research in Ear Training and Perfect Pitch on Brain development and Cognition.

Dr. Patricia Kuhl | The linguistic genius of babies | TED Talk

Dr. Patricia Kuhl: Music and the Baby Brain

#perfectpitch, #eartraining, #cognition

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Рекомендации по теме

This is deeper than just music education. Thanks for your work Rick, we all learn more and more and it's due to you


You have done so much for your children. Their life paths are very different than what would have been had you not done all these wonderful things.

I hope more parents and future parents watch this video and learn how to equip their children's brain for growth. Fantastic!


Great video about a very significant topic. Something that can affect the next generations in so many ways. I love the clip near the end with Dylan - he's such a cool kid!


Would like to see you do an intensive adult ear training class.


Rick Beato is lowkey one of the most prolific neuro scientists out here 😂

Amazing stuff, really


I'm looking forward to follow-up videos on this topic! Speculation: if complex and ordered information (like music) can shape the brain in beneficial ways, does this imply that simple chaotic information has a deleterious effect? Thinking social media, endless notifications on phones, etc. (Yes, I know that is a tired cliche, but....)


Rick Beato and his YouTube channel are a treasure trove of knowledge. Videos like this are more thought provoking than your average college class. We are so fortunate to be exposed to this. I just wish there were more Rick Beato’s in this world.


Rick, seeing you just grinning ear to ear while Dylan goes off, reciting back those notes to you is priceless. The look on your face is so warming to see you so proud of that little stinker!


What you said at 12:25 is extremely intriguing about adults being able to improve cerebral function via ear training. Definitely talk more about that.


Rick Beato building the ultimate Army of Perfect-Pitch Musicans to take over the Music Industry confirmed


Man...congrats. Its touching and beatifull to see you as a father doing this with your kid. Very good!


watching this kid grow up has been one of the most humbling and inspiring aspects of my life. thank you rick. please keep on.


Wow! Thanks Rick! I am in my third career, teaching HS math (first two were IT and Finance). What happens when a school district comes under financial difficulties?...they cut music and art. I have always noticed that students involved in music are better at extended periods of concentration than those that are not involved. This speaks volumes to the importance and long term benefits of having a well rounded education! I thoroughly enjoy your channel!


This is awesome -- my wife and I did this as well, but with other music. Saw the ted talk -- and we were hooked. Now he's literally running around replicating every sound he hears... it's awesome.


I wonder how many people are watching this channel and trying to emulate what you've done to give your kids a head start. It will be very interesting to see if more research in this area is done in the future and whether ear training will become common. You should try teaching some kids that aren't yours and see if you get similar results.

Looking forward to the next video!


As a psychiatrist I must say that Rick is very wise when he adresses neurobiologic topics, he’s not only well informed (seems to be, at the very least) but he also understands and exposes the information properly. Well done, man!


I am living proof that even starting at age 60 an intense focus on active listening can change ones life.


Dylon is amazing! I’ve been blessed with a good ear but he is in another zone . Such a bright talented young fellow!


I'm so thankful for your Nuryl program and for all these videos you've made. At 6 weeks old you've already changed my daughter's life. My baby is the most calm and attentive (might I even say thoughtful) 6 week old I could possibly imagine. We've been doing your Nuryl program with her religiously since since she was the size of a sesame seed. I'm excited to bring her down to ATL in a couple years so she can jam with your kids while they speak Chinese AND English together :) thank you Rick!


You know you're an excellent father, right? This is a brilliant channel.
