What happened to Rebuild Rescue Cessna 401 Airplane? Rebuild Rescue Jason GoFundMe Controversy

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Rebuild Rescue is a restoration company dedicated to repairing & renovating old vehicles. The company is managed by Jason Morrison who is an experienced restorer. Besides that Rebuild Rescue also has a YouTube channel under the same name & hosted by Jason himself. The channel uploads videos regarding the restoration of all kinds of vehicles including airplane & yacht. Rebuild Rescue's YouTube channel has over 677K subscribers and 64 million total views as of now.

As of recently, Jason is focused on restoring the Cessna 401 Airplane. He took on the project of repairing the 1969 Cessna 401 plane aka Project Phoenix back in 2021 & still had not finished the restoration. He even collected the funds through GoFundMe in order to repair the Cessna 401, and even drew some controversies for his actions to collect the funds. So, in this video, you will get to know what happened to Rebuild Rescue Cessna 401 Airplane & details on Rebuild Rescue's Jason's GoFundMe Controversy.

00:00 What happened to Rebuild Rescue Cessna 401 Airplane? Rebuild Rescue Jason GoFundMe Controversy
00:50 Rebuild Rescue YouTube
01:30 Rebuild Rescue Cessna 401 Airplane
01:45 Rebuild Rescue GoFundMe
01:55 Rebuild Rescue Controversy

Audio Credit:

Track: Street Rhapsody
Artist: DJ Freedem

Track: To the Sun and Back
Artist: TrackTribe

Track: Upsetter
Artist: The Mini Vandals

Source: YouTube Audio Library

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I stumbled across Rebuild Rescue on the 1st episode for the 401 project. The cost, effort, and hurdles to jump through seem overwhelming when watching every episode. I'm no expert on aircraft restorations, but I'm impressed by the commitment Jason and his team have. You can tell they are not cutting any corners on this project.


I clicked on this video hoping for some information or interesting content. Now i know the true meaning of disappointment


Toxic clickbait, and an AI voice? Sounds like this video is the controversy, not rebuild rescue. The doubters are also the ones not watching weekly updates and think a plane like this can be fixed in a few months.


What people don't understand is that when an aircraft has been abandoned every nut, bolt, cable and engines have to be replace by an A&P(Aircraft & Power Plant Mechanic) and an A&P Inspector has to certify that the work and part are FAA approved. These are parts that have to be certified by the FAA. Every thing has to be document and recorded. Some aircraft have 20 or more folders of paper work of every thing that has been done on it from when the aircraft came off the assembly line.


Imagine taking it slow with an old airplane that has set outside for 10+ years. If you watched a few episode's you know there's always something unexpected. Cant take any risks!


I do wish he would set 100% of his efforts on the 401 instead of finding other planes to rescue it annoys me because Im not invested in the other planes the way I have been with the 401.


It was a rescue that became a rebuild. It ran, it moved, it did plane stuff, but it was knackard. Just after it was polished it became obvious that it needed a full rebuild and it ain’t a car :o)


I enjoy rescue rebuild, The channel sheds a positive light on being an a mechanic and a aviation enthusiast.


I think he is legit and restoring a airplane that was in as bad a condition as the 401 is not an easy task and yes it needed a complete restore because of cracks and stress in the air frame. They are very Strict when it comes to air planes it is not like restoring a car or truck. They have been pretty up front with problems found and what they needed do to solve the problems. There is always a possibility of scams now days, but I do not think it is one of them. Time will tell the whole story:P


If Jason is a married man, somebody is lying because he refers to his fiancé. I have been watching Rebuild Rescue from the day he was offered the 401 if he could get it started. He and his crew have had many successes and setbacks and may have missed a deadline but it sure isn’t due to anything nefarious. I plan to continue following until the day the 401 takes to the sky.


People who think this is a scam and taking long I want you to try and rebuild a plane that was sitting for 20 years if anything he has been making crazy progress and I knew his July 2023 deadline would never happen.


This video feels likes Jason made it to take the heat off him as this is a scam ripping hundreds of people of having to give away a bunch of other stuff, dental, air simulator, lack of videos


I have watched and enjoyed every episode concerning the re rebuild of the Cessna 401. Nothing fake or Foney about it. Jason made a video explaining about why the 401 would not be ready by July of 2023 in time for Oskkosh WI air show. Any thought of Jason " cooking the books" in regard to the funds to restore the 401 is laughable!!!


I stopped watching the day he levered the tyres off with an auto jimmy bar.


I subscribed to watch them build the 401 and am getting disillusioned by the videos of everything else they are building. Finish the 401 and then move on to other projects.


The recent loss of the Grumman aircraft, and death of its pilot, brings this whole series into question. I am no expert, but the investigation seems to point to water in the fuel, which was inevitable given the lack of a rubber seal in one of the fuel caps, and the pilot's omission to take a fuel sample before flight. It seems to me this whole Youtube format, with $ and time limitations, is not condusive to safety. Cut corners, and disaster will follow.


I always felt like, I was watching a rich man get others to pay for his toys.


Anyone who complains an airplane restoration takes too long really doesn't know the costs, parts availability, and time involved in doing it right. I want the 401 to be finished too but safety is paramount too. Gotta do it right, and by the regs. Oh and you left out the Mr Dent he owns as well as real estate etc.


I had no idea there was a controversy lol. I've been watching the rebuild since it started... They got the engines on and all the parts back on. Outside company is doing the interior... Just need wiring and a paint job. What's the deal? The restoration is a big part of the channel, why rush it?


With the money he had he could have bought a new plane.
