Next.js Route Handlers | API Routes in Nextjs 13

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(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:28) Note on src directory
(01:23) New Route Handlers for API Routes
(02:51) Example API endpoint
(06:06) NextResponse
(07:59) GET Params & echo endpoint
(13:30) Dynamically Evaluated Routes
(14:30) POST Route Handler for a Form
📚 Tutorial References:
#nextjs #route #handlers
Next.js 14 Tutorial - 33 - Route Handlers
NextJS 13 API Routes: Better Than Expected!
Next.js Route Handlers | API Routes in Nextjs 13
Mastering Next.js Route Handlers: A Comprehensive Guide
Next.js 13 API Route Handlers Tutorial | Next.js 13.2
Next.js 13 API Route Handlers FULL CRUD
Next.js 14 Tutorial - 36 - Dynamic Route Handlers
NextJS Just Changed API Routing
Build an AI Text-to-Speech App with Next.js & Microsoft API
How to Build a REST API with Next.js 13
The Ultimate Guide To Next.js Route Handlers - CRUD
Route Handlers POST - Next.js 14 Course Tutorial #31
Next.js App Router: Routing, Data Fetching, Caching
Next.js ROUTE HANDLERS deep dive
4 Mistakes to Avoid With Next.js Route Handlers
Route Handlers GET - Next.js 14 Course Tutorial #30
How to Use API Route Handlers in Next.js 13 (App Router) #nextjs #nextjs13 #nextjstutorial #webdev
Next.js 13 revalidatePath with API Route Handlers
Route handlers - Next js 14 tutorial
GET Route Handlers Are Cached in Next.js 13 ⚠️ #nextjs #nextjs13 #nextjstutorial #webdev
NextJs 13 API routes in `app` folder | NextJs 13 series
Next.js Building API-1-Route Handlers | Route Handler HTTP Methods | Next.js API Tutorial
NextJS Route Handlers | Create REST APIs in NextJS v14 using its App Router
Next.js 13 API Routes Tutorial