Live Lecture: The Age of Mass Migration

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We cover the Age of Mass Migration, including patterns of migration to America, the Roy Model, and discrimination against immigrants.

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2:30 - Lecture Start
2:48 - Movie Tie-ins
3:29 - Ellis Island image
3:56 - Migrant Caravan image
4:55 - Age of Mass Migration
7:54 - Foreign-born flow graph
11:02 - Where were immigrants coming from?
11:18 - Immigrant composition graph
13:43 - Evidence of migration persists
14:33 - Country of origin groupings graphic
20:46 - Austria and Germany groupings graphic
22:19 - Italy grouping graphic
23:20 - Norway Grouping
23:40 - What determines migration patterns?
30:33 - Roy Model
39:54 - Roy Model: Graphical Example
46:23 - Migrant Selection
48:42 - Selection Determination
52:03 - What was selection like during Age of Mass Migration
59:15 - Why did the US restrict?
1:02:19 - How did immigrants assimilate?
1:02:48 - Great-Grandpa Palsson
1:04:38 - Palsson 1940 Census
1:06:21 - Gudmunder Palsson's income
1:07:46 - How did immigrants assimilate?
1:08:20 - Convergence and Divergence
1:09:36 - Intergenerational convergence
1:10:06 - Evidence on Convergence
1:10:49 - Cultural Assimilation - race
1:11:36 - No Irish Need Apply
1:13:13 - LDS and Race
1:14:16 - LDS were seen as a different race
1:14:51 - Political Cartoon
1:15:01 - LDS Immigration Restrictions
1:15:40 - Immigration Record
1:17:14 - Closing Remarks


When you were showing the immigrant caravan, I honestly thought you meant triggering conservatives who thought Mexicans were coming over to take over people's jobs and do some nasty stuff, but then you said being close to people so I was like ohhhh ok.
