The Power of High Cash Value Whole Life Insurance - $2.3 Million Tax-Free Retirement Income

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Using actual numbers and illustrations, Steve and Barry demonstrate how a properly designed whole life insurance policy can provide tax-free retirement income.
The example here shows a 40 year old male putting $30,000 away a year into a properly designed whole life insurance policy. After funding the policy for 25 years, he has put a total of $750,000 into it. At age 68, he will begin to take out $110,000 a year for 21 years, until the age of 88. The total he put in was $750,000, and the total amount of tax-free income he was able to take out was $2.3 million.
DISCLAIMER: All content in this video is for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as personal financial advice. Always do your own due diligence.
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