15 Secrets I Never Found in Red Dead Redemption 2

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The previous videos in this series:

With the announcement of GTA6 coming soon (expected in October), I wanted to revisit RDR2 one more time. I'm still obsessed with this game, and so it's been a blast making these videos! I really hope you enjoy this one too!

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With the announcement of GTA6 coming very soon (expected in October), I wanted to revisit this game one last time. I'm constantly blown away by these little details I keep finding, which explains why Rockstar's next game has taken so long. In this video, I wanted to focus more on how Rockstar records dialogue for moments 99% wouldn't experience. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for watching! <3


Idk why but that ending of John noticing the plaque with agony playing really just gets the tears flowing


These clips of John witnessing the positive impact the players made as Arthur are always great. Some of the best hidden details in gaming for me.


That "well hello, old friend" really resonated with me, I saw all of John and Arthurs relationship become stronger and stronger when that line was said


Using the buster sword so unexpectedly made me laugh, that was great


It wouldn't surprised me if Rainsfall had dialogue if you brought back an unconscious body as well.


I was at the US army cemetery in Luxembourg last summer and one of the fallen were named Arthur Morgan. Very interesting find and may god rest his soul


I know you've mentioned that your future on YouTube is uncertain, but I just wanted to let you know that your content is my favourite content on YouTube. I've been watching for a very long time, and your videos just capture something I don't see in any other creator's content. I honestly think that it would not have mattered which content you decided to pursue on YouTube, as I feel you'd excel in any type of content because your dedication to detail and artistic prowess. I'm typing this message because I just wanted to let you know that you've influenced more people than you could ever imagine, myself included, as now I am a 4th year film student in University pursuing this craft due in large part to your videos. I was a kid when I saw your first easter egg compilation! Now I know you may not be around much longer, and that is why I wanted to write this message. It would be selfish of me to suggest you never stop making these videos as all good things must come to an end, so I just wish whatever you do going forward that you enjoy it, because I have a feeling you'll excel in anything you decide to do.


it makes me happy to see Arthur's name on that plaque at the end. whoever sees his name on that plaque will remember him for a good deed, even if they never met him, and even if his bad actions can never fully be forgotten, at least little bits of history will remember him as a good man.


When I first played this game, I was so blown away, so overwhelmed with things to do that I actually uninstalled it. Not because I didn't liked it but because I wanted to play other smaller games before going all in with RDR2. When I finally installed it again, I played it for 2 months and I love every second of it. And the best part about it is that a week into the game, I stopped treating it like a game and more like an experience. I wasn't speedrunning it, I wasn't actively searching for collectibles and hidden missions. Most of the times, I just found myself roaming around the land, with no clear goal in mind, just galloping... It was so relaxing and peaceful that sometimes tears came down my face. Also, for some reason, the story didn't feel like a normal story. It had so much more depth, meaning, realism, feeling to it. I felt genuinely felt like Arthur. At the start of the game, I was merciless, ruthless, didn't care about anyone and killed anyone in my path. Then, it started to hit me. I was changing at the same time as Arthur. I started making good deeds, helping random people and being a good person overall. I actually stopped robbing people if you can believe that!

It was something else. It doesn't need to be my favourite game or my comfort game. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had and one of the best games I've played ever!


After almost 5 years, people are still finding things about RDR2 that amaze us all. They overkilled it in the best way possible and I sincerely hope GTA 6 is as good as this game is


1:46 10/10 graphics I thought it was irl no joke so good


people do what you do, but no one does it like you. I’m always so excited when you upload. Love your videos


Well that last one was very emotional.
What a masterpiece of a game.


"we'll just use bow anything else will scare them off"
le Arthur using every weapon ever made to kill them except bow


3:07 The Authentic Deer Hunting Experience.


God damn that "well hello, old friend" hit like the worlds most unmerciful freight train...


Was playing this the other week, sometimes I just turn the game on for like 5 hours and just fish, or hunt. Anyway, I was fishing and caught a fish....I said nah don't like it and threw it back into the lake...a halk swooped down and snatched the fish I just threw back in and flew off with it. I was sitting there like " nearly 200 hours and I never seen anything like that before"


Watched your content for years just wanna say thank you for paying so much attention to every game you play loving coming back to ur channel after a while to binge all the new content!


Lmao, the bit where you said you recorded this next bit on ps2, funny, and class lol.
Also Clouds sword... wtf!? Love it!! 👍
