Laravel 11 Full Course 2025: Creating your first page the Laravel way [Lesson #3]

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In this video we are going to create a new page in our Laravel web application. This will help us get familiar with how Laravel works.


We are now going to create our first page. This page is going to be a course creation page. The purpose of this is to see how things work in Laravel. But we will be making use of this page in future lessons.

We are now going to run a command to create a Model, Migration and most importantly a Controller. So run the command:

- php artisan make:model -mc

You will be prompted to give your Model a name. We are going to call ours Course. Now you have your Model, Migration and Controller. We are only worried about using the Controller in this video but will make use of the Model and Migration in future videos. Our Controller is where we can return data to our pages.

Table of contents
00:00 - Recap
00:15 - Creating new user account
00:45 - Temporarily disabling email verification
04:00 - Creating our Model, Controller and Migration
08:00 - Install Vue extension for VS Code
17:00 - Creating our controller method
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