Part 2: The New Crisis of Masculinity

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#masculinity #crisis #crisisofmasculinity #crisisofmen #masculine #feminine #traditional #feminist #feminism #traditionalroles #economy #deathsofdespair #wagegap #educationGap
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Its crazy how he's blaming women for men failing inside a system men created. Talk about lack of accountability.


i love how men went from "we don't want marriage, it's in our nature to spread our seed as much as possible" to "we don't appreciate women going against the natural order of things and refusing to be in long term relationships and marriages" in a matter of a few decades lol.


If motherhood was so appreciated men wouldnt say women who have kids have no value. Or that being a mother is easy and not worth celebrating cause its not hard work.


Men need to ask themselves why the second Women earned their right to work, get an education, and own their own property, why we went sprinting away from them as fast as we could. Men have abused their role as leaders, providers, and protectors for far too long. The previous generations of Women were physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially abused and sadly there was no recourse because Women weren't allowed to have an existence outside of being attached to a Man. The reason feminism garnered the immense amount of support it did was because of how evil, manipulative, and controlling Men were and still are to this day. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When a Man is in complete control and without any consequences for his actions, the majority of them will use that power to lie, cheat, use and abuse a Woman. The fact of the matter is there exist too many Men who are monsters with zero respect for Women. Because of their widespread abuse, us Women fought for our right to live our lives WITHOUT YOU if we so choose and thank God we now have that option. So if Men are now complaining that Women today are more "masculine" it's because the offer you presented us with before, (staying at home and raising children whilst remaining completely financially dependent on a Man) was complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! Being able to tap into our masculine energy, set goals, earn our degrees, pick our own careers, build up our finances, and own our own cars and our own houses is exactly what we Women needed to protect ourselves from YOU!!! Men today are NOT providers, they're NOT protectors, and they certainly are NOT leaders! Men need to get it through their thick heads that traditionalism is dead because they killed it.


Crisis of Masculinity, sounds like a skill issue


he’s salty that birth control allowed women to choose short term sexual partners over long term commitment, like men have enjoyed doing since the dawn of time. Now I finally understand the true motive behind why some folks are so against women’s freedom of choice.


So this guys sees nothing odd {wrong}about conflating masculinity with leadership and he thinks that women should rush to help men deal with these self-inflicted wounds? Clinically insane.


"Wokeism" 😂😂
LOL They're trying really hard to make that a legitimate societal issue.


In what world does motherhood give women power instead of turning them into literal slaves?


It really shows you how much they relied on the unpaid labor of women to succeed, now that women are doing their lives on their own, men feel cheated because they aren’t just handed this powerful resource anymore. It’s shocking how many men wish for the enslavement of women instead of focusing on succeeding on their own merits and hard work. So much harder to get through college for men without a women at home making their life run 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ken needs to figure out who he is without Barbie


Whay he really meant was " Now that women have freedom and financial stability we males can not force them into being house wives and popping out kids"


I can't stress enough how sick and tired I am of listening to men having mantrums about how everything wrong with their lives is because women are gradually learning to be happy, whole and healed without them. Women are choosing not to dull their light anymore so that men can shine and these men still see it as a problem that's OUR job to fix.

Like instead of just taking a step back and asking themselves, "Why does it offend me so much to see women having the same rights and bodily autonomy I take for granted?" They step back and say "Women are existing and taking up space in ways that the patriarchy can't benefit from/take advantage of and it's causing the breakdown of the very fabric of our society!! WON'T SOMEONE PLZ THINK OF THE MENZ??!"

I don't even have the patience to deal with most men these days; the one's who already get it, get it. The one's who don't get it, don't WANT to get it and are perfectly happy thinking that they can just bitch at, belittle, berate, and browbeat women into "behaving" as they see fit. They can either get with the program or die lonely at this point.


It sounded like he was saying equality is oppressive to the XY...


He made me hard eye roll, you made me almost nod my head off. They haven't lost anything because we've gained something. Marriages aren't working because they do the bare minimum. I've been saying it for 30 years, women are evolving and men are standing still waiting for the universe to revolve around them. The only way they are capable of raising themselves, is by putting us down. It's too pathetic for them to deserve sympathy. It's irritating, tedious and boring listening to them bang the same rhythm on their own drum, while women are dancing to their entire orchestra. Keep standing shoulder to shoulder and strong ladies.


But having a baby by a man doesn’t result in long term commitment 🤷🏽‍♀️


All I heard from that guy was “Wah Wah Wah” 😭😭😭 Somebody call him a WAHHHH-MBULANCE!!! 😂😂😂 Sounds like a him problem! 🤔


Decoupling sex from marriage = Damn I can't dangle the carrot of marriage or baby trap, control, and abuse a woman as my anymore.


If marriage was so great, and the foundation of a functional society…..why did so many women want out back in the day? You’re telling me that women willingly wanted out of healthy, productive and loving marriages just to simply “burn their bras”?? These men think we’re stupid. They really think if they keep regurgitating they same mess, women are going to retract. Why is it SO HARD for men to just be decent people. A lot of wives left their husbands simply because he was an unapologetic a-hole and refused to change. These men make me sick. Like go some where. There are women who want the SAHW life. If you can afford her go get her, nothing’s stopping you. The problem is they consistently are trying to conquer women who want nothing to do with that, rather than just finding someone on the same page as them.


My husband is masculine AND woke. He doesn't need to exert power over anyone to feel masculine. People feel good about themselves when they do stuff, accomplish things.
