Nonlinear and laser effects in optical microresonators made of different glasses Dr. Elena Anashkina

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Dr. Elena Anashkina
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Abstrac: The presentation is devoted to high-Q optical glass microresonators with whispering gallery modes. In such resonators, broadband nonlinear optical transformations of a low-power CW pump are effectively implemented due to the action of Kerr and Raman nonlinearities, including the generation of optical frequency combs. In the case of using rare-earth ion doped samples, laser generation with controllable parameters is attained. Silica microspheres are a very convenient platform for studying non-linear processes and demonstrating new concepts because they can be easily fabricated from standard telecom optical fibers and their dispersion can be controlled by controlled diameter changes. Microspheres made of chalcogenide and tellurite glasses are also of great interest. These glasses are transparent in the mid-IR and have significantly higher nonlinearities compared to silica ones. Therefore tellurirte and chalcogenide microresonators can expand the opportunities of silica microdevices, which is also discussed.

Main paper/arXiv, related to the seminar, and other references:
[1] G. Lin, A. Coillet, Y.K. Chembo, "Nonlinear photonics with high-Q whispering-gallery-mode resonators," Adv. Opt. Photon. 9, 828-890 (2017).
[2] E.A. Anashkina, A.V. Andrianov, “Kerr-Raman optical frequency combs in silica microsphere pumped near zero dispersion wavelength,” IEEE Access 9, 6729-6734 (2021).
[3] E.A. Anashkina, A.V. Andrianov, “Erbium-doped tellurite glass microlaser in C-band and L-band,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 3568 - 3574 (2021).
[4] A.V. Andrianov, E.A. Anashkina, “Tunable Raman lasing in an As2S3 chalcogenide glass microsphere,” Optics Express 29, 5580-5587 (2021).

00:00:00 Intro. Start talking. Presentation of speaker
00:00:52 The beginning of the speech of Dr. Elena Anashkina. Start of the presentation
00:02:15 Introduction. Whispering gallery modes
00:03:54 Introduction. Optical microresonators
00:05:22 Spatial structure of WGMs in dielectric microspheres
00:06:39 General concept. Inducation the WGMs in microresonator with fiber taper
00:08:37 Properties of different glasses
00:09:10 Question from audience.
00:10:31 Question from Maxim Gorlach
00:11:06 Question from Michail Petrov
00:15:52 Question from Maxim Gorlach
00:16:20 Research in IAP RAS
00:17:19 Samples of produced microresonators
00:18:35 Question from Michail Petrov
00:19:50 Chapter 1. Effects in cilica microspheres. Calculation of free specral range and dispersion
00:21:36 Generalized Raman-modified Lugiato-Lefever equation
00:22:23 Kerr-Raman OFCs in silica microshpere pumped near ZDW
00:22:15 Kerr-Raman OFCs in silica microshpere pumped near ZDW. Numerical calculations
00:27:32 Raman-assisted Stokes solitons in silica microsphere
00:30:19 Raman-assisted nested OFCs in TE, TM mode families with soliton-like spectra in silica microshere
00:30:35 Question from Maxim Gorlach
00:32:02 Question from Michail Petrov
00:34:00 Chapter 2. Effects in As2S3 chalcogenide microsperes. Tunable single-mode Raman lasing in Ad2S3 microsphere
00:36:04 Multimode cascade Raman lasing in As2S3 microsphere
00:37:36 Chapter 3. Effects in tellurite microspheres. Cascade Raman lasing in tellurite microsphere
00:39:36 Cascade Brilloin lasing in tellurite microsphere
00:41:31 Question from Michail Petrov
00:44:11 Cascade Brilluen lasing in tellurite microsphere (theory)
00:45:36 Er- or Tm-doped in band pumped microlasers (analitical method)
00:48:14 In-band pumped Tm-doped microlasers. Experimental and theoretical results
00:50:02 In-band pumped Er-doped microlasers. Experimental and theoretical results
00:51:51 Summary
00:52:19 Questions from Maxim Gorlach
00:56:37 Questions from Ilya Vatnik
01:00:33 Question from audience
01:02:57 End of the talk
01:03:25 End

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