How To Get Rare Black Arabian Horse In Chapter 2 For Free With Location - RDR2

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Rare Balck Arabian horse location & taming in chapter 2. best & fastest horse for chapter 2 in red dead redemption 2

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Took me 2 hours to get this horse on my first playthrough, just now, i was waiting on the pause menu right next to where the encounter spawns, and when i came back to the game the encounter spawned right in front of me. Only took about 20 minutes and was super lucky this time around. Encounter happened at around 3am game time.


I got mine in about 10 minutes or so, reloaded a couple of times (the load started me at 2:15am), went around the block a few times. The first event to spawn was a couple of guys throwing something at the building, rebels or something, no horse. Second event was a man and lady talking about broken china, I didn't stick around for the whole conversation, saw the horse, grabbed it and ran - no wanted or investigation. I never saw the mugging event.

Thanks for the tip!


Imagine getting it the first time, but ur brother removes rdr2 to play gta 5


i just got it. the couple got robbed after the theatre show right before the lake, saved the couple and the horse was there. happened at 2am


For people who already bought the Arabian just fully bond it and sell it and keep the one you stole


Still works 2/12/24. I passed the spot and didn't see anything so I turned around to start over. When I passed the spot again it triggered.


You can get it to spawn during the day time Aswell. I come around the corner near the rat infested saloon and seen this encounter


Tip: You can steal a black arabian horse in the stables. All you need is a wagon then you put it at the right or left side of the Stable. Once you do that you pull out a gun and you start shooting the roof, make sure you do get wanted, and make sure you have apples or anything to feed the horse. Anyways once you've gotten inside of the stable you go in the fence of the black arabian then feed it an apple or anything that can eat something. Now all you need to do is run away from cops.


When I was going for the horse and the second i saw the thief he shot the woman and the man picked up his wife and drove away on that horse...


My black Arabian horse got killed... What should I It's not appearing hare again...


It is really a great opportunity but a War horse is really better choice in Rdr2.
A war horse maybe slower but more reliable during gun fight


the encounter wouldnt work for me until around 2-3am, at first it didn’t spawn but i went around the cemetery block on my horse a few times and back and the encounter spawned


Taking over 2 hours of trying and they just never spawn. Very annoying.


I got mine on the second try luckily. Thanks definitely liking the vid.


Still works June 2024. First encounter I shot the robber, saved the couple and jumped on the horse but got a "wanted, horse thief" pop up. Took after the witness who was on a wagon but the option to threaten wasn't doing anything. To cut a long story short, a high speed horse chase with the law occurred and I ended up reloading. After an hour of save scumming I rode down the street and the Arabian was just standing there. No couple and no robber. Bonded immediately and I headed to the stable. No laws broken. Almost at the stable I came across the robbery again, didn't intervene and the wife got shot. The husband slung her across his shoulder, got on his version of the horse and trundled off. By this point there were 3 Arabians, my new black, followed by my old white and the husbands black lol. Didn't think I could lead 2 horses so let him trot off 😂


is it possible to get this event to spawn again after already encountering it ?? I came across it and didn't know what it was, I ended up saving the couple the first time around


Still works. Took me 6 nights sleeping at the saloon. That locations random encounter spawns between 3-4 am so wait till night at the saloon which will wake you at midnight. Then circle the block with the clothing store and dominos on it repeatedly till 4am. If it hasn't spawned repeat.


If you seem to have trouble doing this I recommend doing the mission “Horse Flesh for Dinner” there 3 option of horses you get can the White Arabian the Black Arabian or the Turkoman


I did the same thing but when I went to get the Arabian it showed ip as a thoroughbred


I'm not getting the arabian horse.. it doesn't spawn there in my game.. i am reloading and trying again but not working
