HIT HARD STOP QUICK with DRIVER! The Best Ball Striking Drill EVER!!!

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Without doubt, the HIT HARD STOP QUICK drill is the #1 drill for improving your ball striking quickly.

I prescribe this drill on a daily basis to golfers of ALL levels, from beginners to professionals. The benefits of this drill are multiple; simply by focusing on EXACTLY where to finish the swing, you get a number of other swing improvements for FREE - and who doesn’t want that?

The key to this drill is building up from small (but quick) swings where you're able to STOP QUICKLY and keep your ARMS STRAIGHT. Too many people who try this drill swing too far to begin with and are unable to STOP fast enough and control the finish. Once you grasp the correct finish, you can begin to swing further back and continue to HIT HARD and STOP QUICKLY.

There are multiple PGA Tour players utilising this drill/feel in their practice and in their play. Tommy Fleetwood is one player who demonstrates the ARMS STRAIGHT and SHORT FINISH associated with this drill expertly. The sharp braking in the follow-through is a fantastic way to regulate and sequence the body and club motion. This 3/4 feeling swing, should not be mistaken for a less powerful swing - in fact, it can help to transfer more energy into the ball resulting in LONGER shots than your standard "full" swing.


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#stackandtilt​​​ #golftec #gridlife
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Randomly came across this drill last week, did practice swings on the divot board a few times during the week and did a little practice swing before each shot this weekend to remember the feeling before addressing the ball. It's a par 3 I play almost every weekend. I went from leaving almost every ball short of the green when playing to the back edge to averaging about pin high (a couple short, a couple long, most about even with the pin) while using the same club I would normally use.

It was apparent from the first strike, too. Ball flight went from this high launching loopy thing (I tend to stay back and get flippy with my wrists, miss is a hook) to a piercing flight. I actually thought I hit it over the first green until it landed about nine feet left of the pin.

Absolute game changer.


Not often I write a comment! 51 year and started with golf again after 13-15year paus😖 Was about to give up after hitting the ball poorly at best! Saw this video and thought why not try… Changed everything in my game from wedges to driver! Gained 50 meters easily with driver and always straight! Recommend this to everybody even they who do not play golf😂 Other instructions from you is always great and super clearing😀👍 From Sweden


Rob, all I have to say is wow. I did this drill for 2 straight hours on the range and hit my irons the best I ever have. Then played 18 a few days later on a course I’ve never played before and hit every club in my bag the best I ever had. This drill really helped to show me what my swing should feel like. Thanks for the tips!


Ok. I came back to playing about 4 months ago after about a 15 year hiatus. Before I stopped playing - I was a 12 hcp. The past 4 months - I’ve been a 25 at best. Rob - learning s/t from your videos has been huge. I’m no longer in my 20s - and as a guy in his 40s - s/t makes soooo much sense. But… last week, I implemented this exact way of swinging (hit hard/stop quick) into range practice and in my last 3 rounds and have literally shaved 11 shots off my game! And wow! It feels so good to be a pure ball striker hitting solid, crisp, and long - few things in the world feel so satisfying. Once I can get comfortable with the driver (that I pull almost every time) - I think I can get my hcp down consistently to near single digits. Thanks so much for your content! You’re the best - and I am grateful. If you’re ever in western Canada or pacific nw us - beer is on me! Rock on!


After watching your content for a week I’ve just returned From the driving range which has Shot Tracer. After working on the hit hard and stop drill I’ve absolutely nailed iron after iron and hit some of the best drives with a tiny draw I’ve ever hit. The only iron I struggled with was the five iron for some reason couldn’t launch it as I would like to? Having said that I should be back down the range tomorrow to practice this again and hopefully put it in place on the course on Saturday.


Rob, this is the by far the best drill I have ever seen and done. Thank you so much.


I've neglected this (and 90-90-90) in an effort to improve other parts of my swing. Just returned from the net at my club where I absolutely nailed everything by focusing on this. Thanks, Rob.


Thanks for getting back with the driver and this drill. You said you would and you did.


Thanks as always Rob…. Such a great drill. As a former PGA member and instructor I can say this drill is fantastic. I’ve shared it with many of my friends who are working on their own games.
Great stuff!


Yep. Brilliant. This drill does soooo many good things. It would take several huge paragraphs to describe them all.


been trying everything to be better ball striker....im 65 with handicap 9....but cannot seem to make consistant low point contact....watched your video on keeping wgt forward...more stack/tilt...because big recurrent fault is falling backward....this helped..BUT today i went to range and did HitHard stop drill with ball striking felt like i turned back the clock!!!!the sound....the divot....the ball flight driver yes was harder...but just slowed down and wow think i might just play this way on the course!!!..why not....the main thing is to hit hard...then stop...there can be no deceleration...a bad shot then happens....im trying to understand why this works????..whats happening?....but to do this drill requires tension in forarms and they be straight...this creates leverage on ball at contact!...it takes off....i find myself staying squarer longer and the low point/divot if spot on!!!!this is going to be #1drill for me!...thanks so much for this!!!...gonna watch it over and over!!!


Love it hit hard stop quick forget the full follow thru (dig it )Thanks


This is great... The Driver version of your most recommended drill! Thanks for the lesson.


Thanks for all your tips Rob. I've been trying to crack 90 for about 18 months, thrice 90 within that time. Yesterday I shot 84, the guys on the course couldn't believe how straight and consistent I struck my driver. But we both know why, hit hard stop quick #gridlife


I'm playing my best golf with this swing thought great contact through the bag.


Great simple drill! I like how you talk about swing radius and maintaining structure in your swing. So often we break down at some point during the swing. For me it is too much flex in my arms. I will try this out. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for your program. I can hardly wait to try it.


thank you Rob...speaking as a beginner, I struggle to keep my arms fully extended ...going to give this drill a


Thanks for the great video. Went to the range and tried to do this drill. Seem to do it better with the driver than the irons. Any tips. Thanks 😊


I went to the driving range today and gained accuracy and 30-40 meters🤯 Thanks!
