Stephen King - Roadwork *REVIEW* 👷‍♂️🚧🍾 19 reasons to read the worst Richard Bachman book

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You want bad? You got it! In this video, I'm trying to find 19 reasons for you to read Roadwork, a book written under Stephen King's pseudonym of Richard Bachman and quite possible the worst thing in his entire collection.

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I remember trying to read Roadwork about 17 years ago, and I kid you not the way King described Barton slowly battling for control of his own mind creeped me out so bad that I couldn’t finish it. Kind of ironic that one of Kings worst books genuinely gave me the creeps.


Walter White in Breaking Bad reminded me very much of Barton Dawes in Roadwork. He keeps getting in more and more trouble, but he just doesn’t give a fuck. In the first episode of the show, it’s very apparent he doesn’t like how his life turned out, he hates how other kids pick on his son with cerebral palsy and suddenly, he starts breaking rules he never considered breaking before. It’s not by any means a Stephen King™️ novel, but it’s a good story.


I've never liked King's writing very much, but this one came to my attention via an article that argued it was King's only literary novel. I knew that could be a good thing or a bad thing, but just the fact it's not supernatural convinced me to read it, and I'm glad I did. I enjoyed it much more than the limited amount I'd read from him. If anyone knows of other non-supernatural novels of his with a similar, more stripped-down writing style compared to his usual work, I'd like to read it.


As you a Stephen King fan like me, you must be looking forward to his new book You like it Darker


I’ve never read Roadwork because I’ve never heard anyone say anything good about it 😂


Roadwork was a great read. If all my memories of my kid were bound to my house I would do the same. They'd be everything that really mattered.


I thought Roadwork was gorgeous. The frustration, loss, humanity, his response to his years of disappointment hit me hard. I recommend it 100%.


This is a great internal fight story where a tragic event starts the slipping of the main character's mental struggle. Dawes was never really into guns but this book starts out with him buying them nervously.
To me, the energy crisis line is a red herring to help cover up his identity. But in reality, during the late 70s, gas was limited to how much people could buy. I think you could only buy every other day or so.


Read it when I was younger, and it didn't make much of an impression. Literally just gave it a re-read, and I have to say it's warmed up on me. It's slow sure, even plodding. Also, I think King being so toung at the time hurt his impression of someone in their 40s, grieving for the liss if their child, failing to adapt to a changing environment, and basically having a midlife crisis.
That said, that crisis, (not the energy crisis, mind you) is the strength and the weakness of the story. I find that when Bart is interacting with someone else (be it Drake, Mary, ir the mobster) the book gets infinitely more interesting, whereas when he is alone inside his own head that things start to get depressing and boring.
The action scenes are unfortunately short and sparse, but whwn they happen they are great. The mescaline trip at the new years party is a hoot.
This book smacks of middle aged (or older) white guy unable to adapt to social changes energy. Its possibly an inspiration on the film Falling Down, and just about every angry white guy complaining about "wokeness" online.


You’re more insane than Georgie, isn’t that right Fred? oh most definitely, clinically


If this ever gets an adaptation, I can see Chris Pratt making a good Barton George Dawes


I have the original Bachman books, and I'm on this one in it! So far I liked the first two more than this one.


I thought the book was ok. I didn't hate it, but there are better things to read. If you are a Stephen King supper fan.... then read it, if you are a basic person who reads books then skip it


Honestly, I'm kinda just disappointed over roadwork
Judging by the premise, I assumed this would be similar to breaking bad. An everyday suburban man who has nothing left to lose after a major life event. I really think a plot like this could've worked really well
But in execution it kinda just felt... Safe and boring?
Atleast we got the cork sound from this book


LOL that's crazy, I loved Roadwork. It wasn't my fav of the original 4, but, I loved it. The Running Man was high on the list for me


I just finished reading this one. I enjoyed it.


I'm definitely not going to read this book👎


It’s not as bad as people say it is, but it’s a little similar to 1922.
