SYDNEY'S REVENGE Short Film Featurette 01

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This is a featurette and fun reenactment describing what motivated 14 year old Erriel Lorre' McCalla to launch her media production company: E.N.E Media Production.

Her inspiration to create her own media production company sparked after asking her father for a new $1500 Apple computer, in which he denied. He then encouraged her to come up with a creative business concept and promised to help her launch whatever is agreeable.

She intends on having the ability to create her own opportunities, as well as to extend some of the same opportunities to others. She will not only play a producer role in her first production but is cast to play the main character.

Her debut project, "Sydney's Revenge", explores the mind of a young girl who suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Erriel became intrigued with the idea as she ran across the topic while surfing the net. She saw it fitting to explore the mind of someone who is suffering from the disorder and how they can always feel isolated, attacked or paranoid due to the trauma they have dealt with. Her twist was to add an ire horror plot that would capture the viewers as they watch, sending them into the mind of her character.

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At first glance this might seam like a generic remake trailer to a movie that is anything but that. Watch this trailer and tell me you don't want to watch the entire short film and more! This creator has a very specific vision and knows what they are looking to achieve. If you want to be "freaked out" psychologically, just watch this trailer and wait for the amazing short that has been created. It's worth your while.


Hey cousin you are so talented and I love you


Hi guys this is ainslie I bet I will love this movie


hi erriel I personaly think that you are amazing, beautiful, talented. Please write back to
