TCK TCK TCK - It's Time to Act on Climate Change

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Oxfam Global Ambassador and actor Gael Garcia Bernal joins other global citizens, as they support Oxfam's tck tck tck Climate Change Campaign.

There are only 100 days remaining for the world to agree on a deal to tackle the biggest threat facing humanity. Every one of us is now responsible to pressure our leaders to be bold and decisive.

Please join Gael and the hundreds of thousands of people who have already taken action by adding your name to Oxfam's Climate Change Action.
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I'm going to go with the wikipedia definition that "Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem". You are correct in the above, a small amount of noise, light, or carbon dioxide is not really a pollutant, but when you get to the point it significantly alters the ecosystem it becomes one. Millions of birds die each year due to lights of major cities and buildings which can disrupt their migration.


it certainly won't hurt to stop wasting resources and energy-- if it can make a difference, the sacrifices are miniscule compared to the rewards.




The sun cycle, not circle, spans twelve years. the last peak was around 2002, and the one before it was at 1990. We are at a low point, and rather than getting warmer, we should be getting colder.
besides, there is NO need to tax more for technologies that don't base on oil, rather, we would need to tax less, import less oil from foreign countries, and waste less resources.


National & international science academies and professional societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular on climate change. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position.
There is no scientific community or consensus that opposes global warming- only individuals.
Its also possible its all blown out of proportion- even then.. its better safe than sorry


Anything that humans add to the environment that was not previously there pretty much counts as pollution (e.g. Light Pollution, Noise Pollution, etc.). While some places may become more habitable a rise in global temperature would likely cause large scale drought, causing famine for a large portion of the world's population, which in turn would cause refugees and war. If the current siltation is a scam then there must be a way to fix the problem without allowing people to profit off of it.


We're all gonna die!!! Or we will become dinosaurs!!!!


@ongruse ... haha funny, ... Man i hate my government now!!


Okay, but consider the possibility we are correct, is it worth risking the future of millions of people over? I think most people would support the development of techniques to prevent an asteroid or comet from destroying the world, why not do the same for climate change? Even if we are wrong its still not a waste of time. As you pointed out there are other negative effects that fossil fuels have, and besides we will have to switch eventually. Why not do it now?


There maybe a way to help without people profiting from it but carbon trade as suggested at the moment is not it. It would make more sense to use any carbon tax to pay for green tech ie solar systems for private and state housing. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant - when you breath out you are not polluting the atmosphere, when trees are cut down they release carbon back into the same place it came from. Noise is not pollution - you arnt adding anything into the air, just moving it.
