RimWorld Hedge Knights - Curtain Wall // EP10

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» Overview:
- Hedge Knights is a story about a civilization in the golden era of their medieval age invaded by monstrous visitors that push them to the brink of extinction. The story focuses around a small group of squires who are tasked with finding a way to support their community who are on starving and homeless.

- Because it is a roleplaying series I will not be attempting to play any sort of 'meta', and additionally I am not interested in feedback to suggest that I play 'meta'. The purpose of this series is to tell a story, not to min/max RimWorld.

- This is a roleplaying story series and therefore is not intended for people to play along ( so the save game file will not be shared ). Some of the most important mods for the series will be shared in a section below if you want to try to mimic the series for your own enjoyment. You also may assume that any details about this series that I have omitted I have omitted for a reason ( like scenario, rules, goals, mods, character skills, ideology, etc ), so I won't be sharing that information until it becomes relevant to the story.

» Current Goals ( These will change over the course of the series ):
- Stay Alive.
- Keep the bison alive.
- Build an encampment able to support a larger population.

» Important Mods Used:
- Rimedieval
- Medieval Overhaul
- Xenotype Spawn Control
- Pollution Tweaks

» Intro Narrative:
- We are Adlets, the once proud sovereigns of a lush and beautiful planet. Many years ago the peace, prosperity and progress brought about by the Adlet kingdoms came to an abrupt and brutal end. Our ancestors were visited by sky chariots of silver and fire. The charioteers were cloaked in glowing robes and carried ornate staves, but they made no attempt at diplomacy. They surveilled our lands and left as soon as they arrived, leaving us bewildered and wonderstruck.

- The following winter we were revisited, but not by sky chariots. Monsters rained down from the sky and hunted us Adlets with monstrous ferocity and determination. The visitors swept the land killing and butchering, sparing no one. Millions of us died that winter as our weapons, armor and castle walls were completely ineffective. We were driven to near complete extinction, forced to hide in caves or on tiny islands concealed from the unabated slaughter.

- As the story goes, the following winter the vast majority of the visitors disappeared, leaving behind metallic castles heavily guarded by lethal metallic behemoths. The metallic castles spewed poison into the winds, and over generations the castles spread blight and rot across all of the land. Sightings of the monstrous visitors were rare and the lucky survivors of such sightings insist the visitors were adorned by the weapons and armor of our ancestors and seek to hunt us Adlets as if for sport.

- For generations we cowered in hiding, scavenging what little food we could source from the blighted oceans or fungi from the sheltered caves. For the last ten generations we have sent out scouts to explore for new lands untouched by the visitors, either to return empty handed or not to return at all, assumed dead. Last summer one of our scouts told a tale of a forest pocked by tiny glades of healthy grass and tall trees. Her entire cohort had been slaughtered and the elders were not sure if such tales were hallucinations of trauma, or indeed true.

- Our island’s coast and caves no longer provide enough food to sustain our people. Our elders have tasked us squires to take two pack animals and leave the safety of our tiny island enclave in search of the fabled glades. After a week of evading hunting parties and avoiding metallic behemoths we headed deeper inland into the blighted forests. We finally stumbled upon a tiny pristine glade nestled deep in the heart of occupied territory. With meager rations and simple tools we plan on setting up a new settlement here, unsure of the horrors we may face ahead. This is our story.

» The soundtrack is sourced from Going Medieval, Northgard and Thrones of Britannia.

» The idea for this series was determined by my Patreon patrons. If you'd like to support me as a content creator Patreon always helps. If you would like to join my community please consider visiting my website or joining discord!

Website (Schedule, Countdown Timer to streams, links, resources):

Discord (Gaming community):

Patreon (To support me directly):

#rimworld #Rhadamant #LetsPlay #survival #roleplay #survival
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Loving this format. I really find the storytelling engaging and I'm super invested to find out about the secrets of the trees and the visitors


I've been really enjoying the progress they've been making. It's actually made me elect to keep a nearly doomed colony that I thought couldn't be recovered, and play more slowly, enjoying the smaller victories (and turning off dev mode)


Tangir: I hate mining


I am loving your story telling and appreciate this format. Hope to see more!


So entertaining. Definitely my favorite rimworld content


Im loving this series so much! I love that the others are interactive but some times chat makes me cringe with the voted goals 😒 its refreshing to see you tell a story your way and to do it so well!


i imagine this format is more work than streaming. but man is it better. it feels way more like a story. i'm hooked


I loved your narrative of the wedding ceremony. I did have a little giggle out loud to the lifting of the helm.
With each new episode, your narration skills grow well. It is more streamlined and the story is becoming more fluid. The back stories are rich and believable and it is becoming more and more like watching a episodic tv show play out. I know this isn't your most economical time vs viewership content, but I really am enjoying it and I hope that you keep this one going for as long as makes sense for the colony and story but also perhaps create another universe to have a story series play out in.
Your plot creation is really good and your narration is also getting really good, so I hope you do keep a narrative on the back burner so to speak! <3 keep up the great content!


Fantastic series, probably one of my favourites you've done. You're close to 100K subs, hopefully you can hit that soon.


Your writing has gotten better as this series continues.


Thanks for the awesome content and great videos!


Yay baby bash has a friend! Shellbell!🎉


12 fruity flavors of awesome here, keep it up!(translation between this and other comments.... we want moar!)


Okay, this makes it easy: The song that I remember from Banished is the one you used for the intro and outro in this video.
Also, I appreciate the effort in storytelling here, actually coming up with lore beyond the initial setup. I'm curious how far ahead you have planned. :)


The sad drama of Kinslaying the raiding aunt, who probably never knew she was raiding her kin, nor are they ever likely to find out unless they decide to lift the corpse masks next episode, perhaps they will learn that all is not well back at the ocean


🙂👍 Really liking this format despite the metrics that YT and Twitch use to determine your income. Just honest. Take care.


Now if we can get a useful ash from the cremating of the raider, they would at least have a useful end.


So confused during the first visit raid wtf was Shellbell just casually hanging out at the guard walls of the west gate hahaha.


Wait, the visitors are wendigos?!? Lmao I am enjoying the rhadiverse deeplore. So would the original wendigos just be ordinary people who adopted the wendigo ethos, with wendy taking place before the stellaris series, or is it retconned that the original wendigos were wendigo xenotype. This is all very important


Losing warfare knowledge because of eons of peace.
I wish it could happen in real life.
