The Future of Precision Medicine - Gladstone Institutes 2016 Spring Symposium

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At the 2016 Spring Symposium, Gladstone investigators Katherine Pollard, PhD, and Nevan Krogan, PhD, are joined by Leah Makley, PhD, from ViewPoint Therapeutics and Peter DiLaura from Second Genome to discuss precision medicine and the future of biomedical research.

Precision medicine harnesses vast amounts of biological and biomedical data to understand why different individuals respond differently to treatments, and to guide more precise, predictive, and preventive medicines.

Scientists incorporate a wide range of biomedical data to define biological networks that are wired uniquely in each of us, revealing common mechanisms and solutions across diseases.

Table of Contents
0:00 Welcome remarks by Sandy Williams
6:16 Nevan Krogan
14:09 Leah Makley
19:03 Katie Pollard
33:37 Peter DiLaura
41:13 Transition to Q&A by Sandy Williams
46:31 Q&A
1:17:32 Acknowledgements

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