Teacher Reads Ridiculous Parent Requests: PART 2

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Y'all need to see somebody... (w/ Honest Teacher Vibes)

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I feel bad for a lot of these children, with parents like these. And to the dad letting his kid drive a Tesla to school - you have more money than brains.


This is why I left the teaching profession while I was student teaching. It isn’t the kids, it’s the parents.


All I hear is a bunch of parents who need CPS called on them.


This is actually sad, because it indicates the lack of respect parents have towards teachers by making such ridiculous requests.


Fun fact, there wad actually a time when my parents forgot to pick me up from school for a whole week. Im lucky that my teacher was kind enough to drive me home because her neighborhood was close to mine and she kinda felt bad for me then. After that she taught me how to commute home instead and gave me some spare change every dismissal. It was only about two weeks later that my mom found out my dad didnt pick me up because he was expecting her to pick me up. Man, teachers are severely underpaid considering all the effort they have to put into thei jobs.


It’s like they’re all saying “Hi I’m a parent, you’re a teacher. I bought this small person into the world but I’d like you to raise them” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Warning: DO NOT eat anything while watching this video! You're likely to choke from laughing so hard! 🤣 Seriously, I almost aspirated! LOL!!!


During Covid, kids home, online classes, parents required to help their children but complaining their kids were having difficulty with the lessons. Would help a lot if the parents were smarter than a fifth grader.


The problem with kids these days: their parents.


I had a parent who berated me for setting behavior limits on her child in the classroom. She yelled "I don't send my child to school to be disciplined! I send him to learn!" I calmly explained the behavior her child exhibited throughout the entire morning with the toys he was allowed to bring from home. She was silent. She called back a few minutes later an apologized. There are NO REWARDS being a substitute teacher. Kids lie!


The problem with public schools is the public.


The 7 dislikes were the ones that wrote the requests.


I used to run a daycare center and had a parent claim that her 15 month old was potty trained after a week of vacation at home with mom. This child didn’t talk yet!! So I asked how we were to know when she has to go potty. How would she indicate that to us. The mom’s response, “She gets a certain look in her eye.” Excuse me? What now? Ma’am, we have 13 other toddlers in this classroom. I told her we would give it a week and take her potty on the diaper schedule and any other time we noticed she seemed like she had to go. That child never went potty in the toilet all week. Not once. And we TRIED, but when we put her on the toilet she just looked at us like we were crazy. Back to diapers, thanks.


Actually chewing on something can help kids concentrate but someone needs to tell that mom about Chewelry (Jewelry that's made to be chewed on) instead of glue sticks.


I had a parent tell me: 1. Homework was unnecessary and a waste or her son’s valuable time. 2. Tests were not an accurate measurement of a child’s performance in class. So her son should not have to take them. & 3. Her son was very busy and would find it difficult to actually attend my class. Therefore, It was obvious to her that her son should receive an a in my calculus class without having to show up do homework or take any tests. The very sad part of the story is that after I told this parent no she spent the last two years of her child’s time at our school trying to get me fired for incompetence.


I love this woman. She tells it like it is. She is awesome.


As a pediatrician, I laugh like crazy at these!!! We get some crazy letter requests to send to teachers saying some of these are medically necessary !!!???
Nope 🤦🏼


I'm not a teacher, but that first request - that the student be given a male teacher for math because the parent didn't trust that the lady could properly teach the course - resonates with my job at a hardware store. Some of those guys still live in the 1930's and think we don't know plumbing fittings, bolts and nuts, chain, etc. It's fun to see their faces when I take them right to the part in question and know what it does and how to install it!


My school district had a 4 day weekend for the students. One day was a state holiday. The other day was SDD. A parent asked what was she supposed tod do those two days?. my aide and i frog eyed and thought: BE A PARENT.


Suddenly the idea of licensing people to have kids becomes more appealing. :)
