5 Crucial Steps to Nursing a Sick Hen | Sez the Vet

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So you've found a sick hen in the flock- what now? A good avian vet may not always be just down the road for you, so you'll need to know how to nurse her at home while she's waiting for help - a task that's not always as obvious as you might. Birds have a number of differences to mammals, and you'll need to be prepared.

Check out the episode as Dr Sez walks you through the 5 crucial steps to nursing your sick hen at home.

Note the opinions expressed are those of the authors, and this informative episode is not intended to replace individual advice given by a medical professional, for your specific case
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I noticed the camera focused on Virbac Revive & I am wondering if Virbac Revive can be given to a chicken with diarrhea? I have a 10.5 month old hen who has had chronic diarrhea since November. She has recently been diagnosed with Gapeworm & has been treated with Safeguard for goats. That did not cure the diarrhea. Any advice on what to use to treat would be wonderful as I have tried many other home remedies. Thank you!
