What Happens to China’s Elderly?

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China is getting old before getting rich. Chinese culture has long revered the elderly, but the modern market economy makes caring for the elderly difficult. A typical young working couple must support four elderly parents. What are the economic and social consequences when 20 percent, and then 30 percent, of the population, are retired? How to care for hundreds of millions of senior citizens? Is China prepared for aging?

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It's a good documentary. Unsensational, factual, and taking into account a lot of aspects. I was particularly surprised to find how many elderly Chinese have at least one younger family member nearby. Well done!


Knowing the Chinese they will probably turn elderly people into a productive force of society: taking care of the young, helping around the house, providing wisdom to the young. Most elderly people don't need much help, outside emotional support, until after they are older than 75.


Robotic is the solution. In 15 to 20 years a Service Robot will cost like to a washing machine and a dishwasher together. Also exoskeleton will be normal. And it will be as normal as buying a car nowaday.


Theses people pretty much have no pensions for their elderly. That is insane after you worked and paid taxes all yoir adult life your governmant desnot give you pension.


In this culture the parents have to approve of who you marry and they won’t approve of you marrying someone purely out of love, no the person you choose to marry must have earning potential because YOU TWO are going to end up providing for them eventually. They have say so over who u marry like it or not. And the most manipulative part about it is because they want you & your spouse to make as much money as you can because they’re going to be living off of you. Sad. Then as newlyweds or a young couple trying to raise young children do you think you get any privacy or say so in other areas of your life? NOPE. But hey at least you get free child care while you and your spouse work your ass off providing for the entire family. 😑


Dios nos ama volvamos nuestro corazón al señor Jesús recuerda el murió por ti y por mi no lo ignores reconocelo El te espera con sus brazos abiertos clamemos a El estoy segura que te confotara amén


Larger cities are increasingly becoming cosmopolitan. What if younger adult workers were encouraged to immigrate from overseas, paying taxes in China?

Additionally, I'm not sure how taxes are distributed in China. Is this collected nationally and distributed through the Provinces? Or more a mess, like the US? With central allocation of tax revenue, additional workers in the city should distribute nationally in percentages negotiated through the Provinces and Centrally.


Just looking at numbers. How many this and that we need to feed this and that. How many cattle how many fruits. How many . I just go grow my own food sell a few things for clothing. God provide. There is only one god trust him not his creation. But to deal with people in good manner so they understand.


In ancient China young people don't have to take care of the elderly, except in special situations and at the last day of their lives where day completely become immobile. The capital might fall and Dynasty replaced but NEVER NEVER THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA. Their is a reason why the Great Wall of China in all of its great ancient history never experienced any aging demographics. The book of the way of the Dao summarizes this ancient knowledge that this generation seem to have forgotten. The elder are valued in the ancient world because they are the most useful in society, at the age of 60 everybody except those sick of some sort are full of experience, no desire for material but mere spiritual pursuit, produce their specialty without any motive for profit, stay in one place and develop culture and tradition, do not consume instead over produce resources, what more could you ask. The People's Liberation Army must rekindle and modernize the old tradition of how to make old people the most valuable treasures of society for you yourselves will age one day and the key to why every ancient civilization treasure their elderly is because the elderly only NEED ONE THING AND ONE THING ALONE 'DREAMS.' In our next topic Religion the foundation of culture and civilization: The Making of the Grand Ayatollah." Those in the PLA and government must not have a religion when you are young and vibrant and you act like an old person innovation does not come in, you do not have an excuse, experience and must not depend on some unseen Jedi force, real life is not like the movies or Porn industry. You must submit to the will of the collective, give your support for the talented in order that the nation will prosper and must keep your wits about if you want to be in a place of authority not con yourself like some Christophfucking Columbus fucking Tribal.


Preserve life. Want for you brother and sister what you want for selves. Life has no colour no name we are one humanity. Capable of looking after the old weak cats dogs all of gods creation. There is a saying for a nation to prosper they need to find the valnerable the weak and take care . Then the nation will become strong. Like uk. Who even look after cats dogs everyone. Look after the weak for the nation to be strong.


If they can get to the USA, they can get political asylum because it come from a communist country or if they are Christian's they get political asylum as well. Thousands and thousands have been coming into San Francisco. If you don't believe me walk around all the affordable housing here in San Francisco and see whose housed in it.


What is there plan. Why not talk about elderly in usa or canada, why just china. What they trying to say is old is not productive enough. Not making the country any money. Think about you or we everyone gets old .
