CRM App With Treeview and SQLite3 - Tkinter Projects 16

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In this video I'll show you how to use the Treeview Widget in Tkinter to build this cool CRM Database app.
We'll use the Sqlite3 database for the project.
We'll be able to add records, update records, delete records, move records, search records, and more.
We'll also create a color changer tool that can modify the striped row colors in the treeview.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:19 - CRM Treeview App
00:26:50 - Add Functionality
00:47:30 - Connect Treeview To Database
01:04:14 - Primary Key
01:15:20 - Update Record
01:24:42 - Add New Record
01:32:52 - Delete Single Record
01:40:56 - Delete All Records
01:52:05 - Delete Selected Record
02:07:15 - Color Chooser
02:19:55 - Search Database
02:33:59 - Color Config File
02:49:36 - Conclusion
We'll use the Sqlite3 database for the project.
We'll be able to add records, update records, delete records, move records, search records, and more.
We'll also create a color changer tool that can modify the striped row colors in the treeview.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:19 - CRM Treeview App
00:26:50 - Add Functionality
00:47:30 - Connect Treeview To Database
01:04:14 - Primary Key
01:15:20 - Update Record
01:24:42 - Add New Record
01:32:52 - Delete Single Record
01:40:56 - Delete All Records
01:52:05 - Delete Selected Record
02:07:15 - Color Chooser
02:19:55 - Search Database
02:33:59 - Color Config File
02:49:36 - Conclusion
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